Soren wrote on Mar 14
th, 2014 at 6:43pm:
Show me a Muslim anywhere but especially in Australia who actually condemned Mohammed's example of f vcking a 9 year old wife.
The example of the prophet of Islam stands unchallenged, undisputed and recognised by Muslims as being far more authoritative than any secular western 'man-made' law. Temporary obeisance to the latter is just that under sharia, temporary.
Yes, so you keep saying, old boy. About 6 times if I’m not mistaken.
Obeisance, eh? Why would your Muselman obeis?
Well, there’s fines, prison, and a few years away from the darling young wife in return for shivs, sodomy, sewing kit tattoos and communal showers.
And who in their right mind wouldn’t obeis to that?
But there is another reason, old boy, a carrot if you will. Prospective immigrants shopping for Facebook.brides in Australia want a lovely young wife, true. Someone from a respectable family, good childbearing hips, a mustache, and a back that can pull a plough, sure.
But more importantly, what they really want is that blue passport with the emu, the kangaroo and the awkward stilted photo sans turban and grin.
You don’t get that by marrying a 6 year old, even under Sharia law.
How old was your wife when you applied, old chap? And did you obeis?
I’ll bet you obeised all the way to Births, Deaths and Marriages for the kiss and the stamp.
Without it, you’d still be milking sheep by the fjords, no?