Just a few facts for a change...
Abbott - Politics (brief time as journalist)
* BEc, LLB (Syd), MA (Oxon).
* Rhodes Scholar.
* Journalist.
* Plant Manager, Pioneer Concrete.
* Press secretary and political adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, Dr JR Hewson 1990-93.
* Executive Director, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy 1993-94.
Truss - Politics
* Farmer.
* President, Australian Council of Rural Youth 1973-74.
* Member, Queensland Graingrowers' Association State Council 1979-90.
* Chair, Sugar Coast Burnett Regional Tourism Board 1985-89.
* Deputy Chair, Bulk Grains Queensland 1985-90.
* Solicitor 1991-93.
Robb - Politics
* BEc (Hons)(La Trobe), Dip AgricSc (Dookie Agricultural College).
* Animal health officer, Vic. Dept of Agriculture 1972-74.
* Agricultural economist, Vic. Dept of Agriculture 1974-79.
* Part-time tutor, La Trobe University 1976-79.
* Economist, National Farmers' Federation 1980.
* Executive Director, Cattle Council of Australia 1981-84.
* Executive Director, National Farmers' Federation 1985-88.
* Deputy Federal Director, Liberal Party 1988-89.
* Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. AS Peacock 1989-90.
* Federal Director, Liberal Party 1990-97.
* Consultant, Ammirati Puritas Lintas 1997.
* Senior Executive, PBL 1997-99.
* Board member, Sinclair Knight Merz 1998-2001.
* Chief Executive Officer, Acxiom Australia 1999-2001.
* Chairman, Acxiom Australia 2001-04.
* Business adviser 2001-04.
Bishop - Lawyer
* LLB (Adel).
* Advanced Management Program (Senior Managers) (Harvard Business School).
* Barrister and solicitor 1979-98.
* Managing partner, Clayton Utz, Perth, WA 1994-98.
* Chair, Town Planning Appeal Tribunal of WA 1994-98.
* Senate Member, Murdoch University 1997-98.
* Director, Special Broadcasting Services Television 1997-98.
* Director and Fellow, Australian Institute of Management 1997-98.
Hockey -Lawyer
* BA, LLB (Syd).
* Director of Policy to the Premier of New South Wales.
* Banking and finance lawyer, Corrs Chambers Westgarth.
Andrews - Lawyer
* BA, LLB (Melb), LLM (Monash).
* Research solicitor, Law Institute of Victoria 1980-81.
* Co-ordinator, Continuing Legal Education, Law Institute of Victoria 1981-83.
* Associate to the Hon. Sir James Gobbo, Supreme Court of Victoria 1983-85.
* Barrister-at-law, Victoria 1985-91.
Hunt - Lawyer
* BA(Hons), LLB(Hons I) (Melb), MA (Yale).
* University Prize, Final Year Thesis, Melbourne University; Yale Fellowship; Schell Centre for Human Rights Fellowship, Yale Law School.
* Captain, Australian Universities Debating Team 1990.
* Articled Clerk, Malleson Stephen Jacques 1991-92.
* Associate to Chief Justice of the Australian Federal Court 1992.
* Fulbright Scholar and Teaching Assistant, Yale University 1992-94.
* Senior Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, AJG Downer, MP 1994-95.
* Senior Adviser to the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, AJG Downer, MP 1995-96.
* Senior Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. AJG Downer, MP 1996-98.
* Chief, Australian Electoral Observer Mission to Cambodia 1998.
* Senior Fellow, Centre for Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Melbourne 1998-99.
* Engagement Manager, McKinsey and Co 1999-2001.
* Director of Strategy, World Economic Forum, Geneva 2000-01.
Dutton - Police Officer
* BBus (Queensland University of Technology).
* Police officer 1990-99.
* Company director from 1993.
Joyce - Accountant
* Farm worker 1989-91.
* Accountant 1991-94.
* Rural banker 1994-98.
* Self-employed accountant 1998-2005.
* Royal Queensland Regiment 1995-2003.
McFarlane - Farmer.
* Farmer.
* President, Queensland Graingrowers Association.
* President, Grains Council of Australia.
Bilson - Council
* BBus (RMIT).
* Master of Business Leadership (RMIT).
* Graduate Diploma of Management (RMIT).
* Manager, Corporate Development, Shire of Hastings 1993-94.
* Ministerial Adviser to the State Minister for Natural Resources, the Hon. CG Coleman, MLA (Vic) 1994-96.
* Policy Adviser to the Federal Shadow Minister for the Environment, Senator CR Kemp 1995.