De-registered User wrote on Feb 13
th, 2014 at 7:11am:
It is in peoples nature to want, want, want. until they foresee the country going down the toilet. This was the case in the last election.
I still maintain that the Howard government would of won government against Kevin Dud if it had started to spend a little, the country would have been in a lot better shape if they had remained in power than it is today.
The Howard govt did NOTHING but spend spend spend!
If Howard & Costello had won in 2007 then when the GFC hit:
1. They would have given big tax cuts to the rich which would not have stimulated the economy
2. Would not have guaranteed deposits beyond $25K resulting in people pulling money over $25K out of bank accounts to deposit elsewhere—very good chance this would have started a run—at least the ANZ would have fallen over (Turncoat as LOTO said the guarantee should only be for $25K
3. The govt buys ANZ to keep it going—man, like $400Bn needed to keep it going
4. Govt realises unemployment has hit 8%, panics (which the simian and shambles will do late 2014) and splurge on job creation
5. 2010—Debt $1Trn, one bank fallen over, 10% unemployment (which will take up to 2018 to recover.)