Transport Workers Union National Secretary Tony Sheldon today said Qantas plans to declare industrial war on its workforce were cynicism of the worst kind and would further damage the airline’s profitability.
Qantas CEO Alan Joyce is in Canberra this week and has highlighted plans for industrial confrontation to address financial difficulties at the airline. Mr Joyce also reportedly spoke approvingly of the 2011 shutdown which stranded 200,000 passengers.
“Qantas management risks driving this airline into the ground,” Mr Sheldon said.
“Last year they tried and failed to repeal the Qantas Sale Act and secure debt guarantees.
“This week Qantas is pandering to Liberal prejudices with promises of industrial war and the likely outsourcing of more Australian jobs.
“The 2011 shutdown, and the latest 1000 job losses, should be points of shame.
“Instead they are proud boasts for those who rank ideology ahead of commercial return.”
Mr Sheldon said Qantas belonged to its shareholders and to the Australian community, and neither group supported the Board’s workplace crusade.
“Its time for shareholders and the public to tell Qantas to change course and put the airline’s future ahead of personal ideology,” Mr Sheldon said.
“Qantas executive salaries have risen 82% since 2010.
“At the same time the airline recorded a $300m half-year loss, the lowest share price in 20 years and the loss of thousands of jobs.
“No Qantas Group dividends have been paid for years. In 2013 Qantas shares were downgraded to ‘junk’ status.
“This is a poor management record for an airline with a 65% domestic market share.
“Qantas does not need industrial warfare or more global shutdowns. It needs a management who put the health of the airline first.”
A 2012 survey of aviation staff found Qantas rated among the worst for job satisfaction, chances of improvement or communication with staff. Less than half of Qantas workers (45%) say they would recommend it as an employer.
Mr Sheldon also called on the Federal Government to publish details of Ministerial staff declarations, to reveal which political advisers had shares in Qantas or received corporate hospitality from the airline.
“The question that needs asking is what Qantas shares, hospitality or Chairman’s Lounge access are provided to Government MP’s, or to staff in the offices of the Treasurer or Transport Minister,” Mr Sheldon said
“Ministers declarations of interests are on the public record. Its time for advisors to follow suit, so conflicts of interest can be clearly exposed.”