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A short film (Read 400 times)
Lord Herbert
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A short film
Feb 14th, 2014 at 8:05pm

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Re: A short film
Reply #1 - Feb 15th, 2014 at 6:18am
I'm not sure I understood it. Was he committing suicide because he couldn't deal with his memories?
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Lord Herbert
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Re: A short film
Reply #2 - Feb 15th, 2014 at 6:51am
mantra wrote on Feb 15th, 2014 at 6:18am:
I'm not sure I understood it. Was he committing suicide because he couldn't deal with his memories?


His piano concert wife had 'taken up' with one of her young students in a biblical way, and so he found himself cuckolded and redundant to her affections in the boudoir.

And so he eventually walked into the sea and drowned himself.

I just think the filming was really well done.

To be honest, I don't know if this piece is a trailer for a Dutch film, but it sure has 'atmosphere'.

'Film noire' at its best. The French love this sort of film.

We had a foreign films flea-pit in my town in the UK that we used to go to when we'd seen all the films at the other cinemas. Lots of French films. If you bought a ticket in a happy mood, they made sure you left the cinema thoroughly depressed and suicidal.

If you weren't totally in the mood to 'top yourself' at the end of the session, you could probably get your money back. 

I don't know why we kept going back. Maybe it was because of those little Swedish and Danish films that accompanied the main fare ... The ones with the half-naked women ...  Roll Eyes
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« Last Edit: Feb 15th, 2014 at 6:58am by Lord Herbert »  
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Re: A short film
Reply #3 - Feb 15th, 2014 at 7:16am
I thought the boy was their son and perhaps his family had left him or had died.  Shocked

I'm a big fan of foreign films. SBS used to air them regularly, but lately, not so often.

Films that I wouldn't watch if they were American - I'd watch the French version happily. After the French - the Danish are next on my list of favourites. They make excellent movies.

Like a good Australian movie - most foreign films seem to create an atmosphere of reality and humanity - regardless of how barren or desolate the scenery or how ill bred the characters.

I rarely watch a yank movie these days. The excesses and the utter superficiality of Hollywood is a turn off.
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