Gnads wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 9:09am:
You have been given more than enough examples to show that all your ideas do nothing for creating new employment opportunities
Nope. Just biased opinions and as usual no proof.
Gnads wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 9:09am:
they simply allow employers to make their existing employees work longer hours for less.
I didn't say anything about abolishing IR completely. Any hours over the max still get overtime that's why I said
Quote:That would then be overtime and defeat the purpose?
Gnads wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 9:09am:
The greed sits squarely in the court of the employer group.
More ideological 'garbage'. Efficiency is not greed. Employing someone that is currently unemployed at the same hourly rate as other staff doing the same job on a weekday is LOGICAL and EFFICIENT not greedy.
Almost everyone should be happy. The business is paying the same price for its labour not one artificially set by collusion, the Govt is happy because it's one less person it has to hand out the dole to, the new employee is happy they have a job, the other employees are happy as they don't have to work extra hours or weekends, the consumer is happy because the policy has a deflationary effect on product and they have more choice on weekends and public holidays - everyone except socialist trade unionists are happy. They are upset because they aren't stabbing the employer and the economy in the back.
Gnads wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 9:09am:
When I go buy anything in this world, be it for goods or services, I know I have to pay extra for extras.
Really? So if you buy a beer on a Sunday or a Public Holiday you expect it to cost twice as much?
Gnads wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 9:09am:
Why is it that business understands this concept perfectly well except when its their turn to pay. The weekends are extras so business like everyone else has to pay for extras. GET IT!
It's only an 'extra' if it's overtime. GET IT?
Overtime is a reward for 'extra' effort. Not a penalty.
If a single business can't get staff on a weekend it will pay a higher rate to attract them. That is competition.
Having to pay DOUBLE across the board regardless of trade is and regardless of demand is why lots of businesses just don't open.
Hence penalty rates is a stupid policy that creates an EXTRA cost without a corresponding EXTRA earn. It's inefficient and therefore responsible for unemployment as jobs are going begging because businesses keep their doors shut when they could be trading..
Gnads wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 9:09am:
Ahh but no Hicks needs to transfer extrernalities so he dream up this elaborate absurd plan for restructuring everybody's life including their leisure life so that business can escape paying a few extra bucks on the weekends.
If you don't want to work weekends then don't. Plenty of people without a job would be willing to work and be paid the same rate as you for the same job.
You're happy you get to sit on your arse and the unemployed is happy he has a job and the business is happy he's not paying more for no reason and the tax-payer doubly happy because he's not handing out the dole and is receiving extra tax and the pensioners are happy because the GOVT has more money to spend on them.
Dnarever wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 8:29am:
This need to be catered for in the business model, If the employer can not afford the appropriate rates then it isn't the employees responsibility to subsidise an unviable business decision.
No it's not and the business doesn't open because it's not going to be viable. Potential employment for an unemployed person has been lost, potential trade and tax revenues have been lost, potential competition for other business has been lost, the dole bill is more, the tax take is less and another nail driven into the economy. Congratulations you have just provided another example of how penalty rates cause unemployment.