’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent
Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on March 15, 2015
Judgment Day for the 9-11-01 Perpetrators and Cover-uppers is fast approaching.
By Preston James and Mike Harris
We are not professional prognosticators, nor do we have access to quantum computers with algorithm based social prediction modeling.
But we do know for sure that the attack on America on 9-11-01 was a pre-staged and engineered by Israel on behalf of the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Thus we can assure all Veterans Today readers that the attack on America on 9-11-01 like all similar false-flag, Gladio-style attacks are actually an Organized Crime problem associated with Israel.
And we can see the handwriting on the wall and we do understand the current legal environment. It is now quite clear that there is a strong recent trend for various large class action lawsuits in America that cannot be ignored and this trend is gaining popularity and intensity.
Almost all of these recent large class action lawsuits have typically been won by large groups of the Plaintiffs even though the defendants, usually big powerful International Corporations, have fought these suits aggressively.
And more incredibly large class action lawsuits are now in the works, so this is a trend that is not going to lessen soon.
It’s a fact that the knowledge of who did the 9-11-01 False-flag attack is now diffusing to mainstream America at a very rapid rate despite the Khazarian Mafia’s ownership and control of the six Controlled Major Mass Media Corporations and continually high level Psyops and misinformation campaign to prevent that.
By the way, their Khazarian Mafia’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) actually forms an illegal News Monopoly that must be broken up under existing anti-trust laws that should be enforced and will be enforced once We The People force the Corrupt USG Officials out of office and bring back the Rule of Law. The key to this objective lies with the complete diffusion of the facts of who did the attack on America on 9-11-01, why and how they covered it up.
We now have answers to these questions of who did the attack on America on 9-11-01, how they did it, which assets and stateside Traitors were used, what the planted explosives were comprised of, where they got them, how it was set up and initiated, and why it was done and who covered it it and keeps covering it up.
We now have the answers to each of these questions and our job at Veterans Today is to get the Truth about the attack on America on 9-11-01 out to the American masses and neutralize all the Big USG Lies, False-narratives and Propaganda that the CMMM has been disseminating to cover up not on 9-11-01 but numerous other high level Khazarian Mafia (KM) organized crimes in America. The Top Directors of Veterans Today have done more to disseminate the answers to these important questions than anyone else.
Until the KM’s use of their CMMM to disseminate their Big USG Lies, False-narratives and Propaganda can be overcome, or until we can use Anti-trust Laws to break the CMMM up into a thousand independent pieces, the best that can be done in the meantime is to optimize the use of the Worldwide Internet.