Noneofyourbusiness wrote on May 30
th, 2015 at 11:34am:
You are in the minority. The majority of people believe US government lied about 911.
The conspiracy theory is the story promulgated by US government that a man in a cave planned an attack that outsmarted CIA, FBI, NSA, USAF, DCA.
The conspiracy theory is the US government story that the buildings collapsed because of fire when no other steel framed buildings in the world had ever collapsed from fire even those that had burned for many days.
The conspiracy theory is the US government story that concrete and steel were turned to dust by fires.
Videos above which demonstrate 911 was an inside job.
Buildings were demolished by controlled demolition. The presence of molten iron during the incident and after in the debris are evidence of thermitic reactions that continued for many weeks after in the debris.
The aircraft could not have flown in the flight paths and speeds purported by USA government. Apart from being uncontrollable at such speeds endangering the mission, the aircraft would have broken apart.
Follow the money. Larry Silverstein received $5 billion profit from this incident from buildings which could not otherwise be demolished economically because they were full of asbestos.
Maintain the rage and press for the truth.