longweekend58 wrote on Jan 1
st, 2018 at 12:08pm:
Ajax wrote on Jan 1
st, 2018 at 10:41am:
One last thought to ponder on and I'm done with this thread.
The twin towers were designed to take a hit anywhere on the structure by a 707 flying at 550 mph (885 klm/h)
without fear of collapse.Now the planes that hit the towers were 757's just a bit bigger than a 707.
BTW both buildings fell within 90 minutes.
That is never heard of due to FIRE and weakening of the structure.
https://preview.ibb.co/jrqHCG/707757.jpghttp://www.aviatorjoe.net/go/compare/707-320B/757-200/ Ever wondered how they 'tested' this plane-proof construction claim? THEY DIDNT. They did their best to estimate and they got it wrong. it really is that simple.
The world trade centre was built in the mid 1960’s, finite element analysis (FEA) and 3D computer modelling were of course non-existent back then.
They may have had access to primitive computers but my guess is the twin towers were designed with traditional methods, analysing Stability, Strength, Deflection and serviceability by
1. Structural mechanics, Physics & Math models
and designed to
2.National codes and standards which use many safety factors.
If anything the twin towers would have been “OVER” designed and quite capable of taking a hit from a 707 as they claim it could.
Proof that traditional methods DO WORK
On 28th July 1945 a B-25 Mitchell bomber crashed into the Empire state building due to poor visibility from fog.
The Empire state building DIDN’T collapse and was repaired.
The planes that crashed into the Twin Towers were 767 not 757's as i quoted above, still they are just a bit larger than 707 and the fact that they weren't flying at 550mph when they hit the towers makes the design force much larger than the actually force.