Richdude wrote on Jan 1
st, 2018 at 1:16pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jan 1
st, 2018 at 12:08pm:
Ajax wrote on Jan 1
st, 2018 at 10:41am:
One last thought to ponder on and I'm done with this thread.
The twin towers were designed to take a hit anywhere on the structure by a 707 flying at 550 mph (885 klm/h)
without fear of collapse.Now the planes that hit the towers were 757's just a bit bigger than a 707.
BTW both buildings fell within 90 minutes.
That is never heard of due to FIRE and weakening of the structure. Ever wondered how they 'tested' this plane-proof construction claim? THEY DIDNT. They did their best to estimate and they got it wrong. it really is that simple.
No! Its never simple.
3 buildings collapsed that day primarily from fire - never happened to one before or since.
4 aircraft also disappeared that day, luggage, seats, bodies, wings .... everything, with only one token engine and 2 wheels and one black box.
The 2 towers fell at the speed gravity and yet turned to dust midair. 20 miles of massive steel columns and thousands of tons of concrete should have made a pile of debris 100's of feet high! Thousand of steel filing cabinets gone. Nothing recognizable in the debris, bodies, computers, chairs, tables, PC. Where did all go?
9/11 was a enormous crime that has to investigated and those involved/cover up hung!
Some more interesting facts from 9/11.
- All passengers from the 4 aircraft involved that day paid cash for their tickets - no record of individual passengers - including the alleged hijackers.
- There was no insurance payout to the airlines that lost their aircraft because a serial number from the aircraft wreckage must be presented. None were - except one unidentified turbine, 2 wheels and 2 black boxes which had no serial numbers.
Those planes disappeared! Another first for that day that adds up to a truly bewildering series of coincidences that only someone totally out of touch with reality could believe the official story.
Who was the Director of the FBI at the time? The one whose task was to present the facts to the public!
Robert Mueller ........ hmmmm.
Show links for these "facts".