rhino wrote on May 3
rd, 2018 at 11:33pm:
You posted a couple of videos consisting entirely of unsubstantiated claims by totally discredited individuals, produce zero evidence to your claims, completely ignore factual information and proven evidence and accuse me of childish blather? Lol.
So where is the lies in the videos Rhino? What factual info have you provided? "Discredited individuals" by who .. you?
Where as all the info I have provided is accurate and verifiable. Stupid child ffs!
Lets consider some text from that video. And don't forget who was Director of the FBI at the time - Robert Mueller. He has more than skin in the current hoax to effect a coup against Trump - he has his neck!
(more text from the video)
Every supposed one of the 256 passengers on 9-11 paid for their tickets in cash on THE MORNING 0f 9-11! NOT ONE used a single credit card and there are no electronic receipts from anyone or any company anywhere in the world. Why? There were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
Except for the supposed Atta and all of his massive incriminating evidence on a supposed suicide flight….NOT ONE single supposed passenger parked a car at any airport on 9-11 NOT ONE. Why? There were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason the US government spends billions of dollars a year on infiltrating truth groups and forums , suiciding activists, and staging and writing media propaganda around the world is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason the US military owned media outlets like GE and Westinghouse who own NBC and CBS will never expose their own crimes of conspiracy to murder is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.The reason the US government set up the Homeland security agency, TSA, Patriot Act, wiretapping, torture through confessions, and renditions….all to keep you quite and scared about 9-11 is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason Rosie O’Donnell was fired from TV for mentioning the WTC 7 collapse which would immediately expose 9-11 as some form of controlled demolition is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason HUNDRED’s of so-called “terrorist training drills” like Tripod II and Vigilant Guardian were taking place on 9-11….at the exact time of the plane crashes…..was for plausible deniability because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason that NONE of the voice data recorders, flight data recorders, or BLACK BOXES had serial numbers….a first in aviation history and it happened 4 times on the same day…is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
(Update: Mueller…yes that Mueller has stated that the FBI has ‘lost all the black boxes’ from 9-11! Maybe it’s with the original moon landing video that they ALSO said they have lost?)
The reason that EVERY TV interview on the DAY OF 9-11 was given my military owned media outlet personnel (watch September Clues online) is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason that ALL the buildings and locations on 9-11 appear to have been destroyed by some form of demolition or Directed Energy Weapon is because there was no jet fuel because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason the US government allocated only $3 million dollars to investigate ALL of 9-11(Lewinsky Scandal got $50 million) is because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason NORAD stood down on 9-11 to immediately intercept the planes was because there were no planes to shoot down because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason EVERY video filming the Pentagon was immediately confiscated (80+ at last count) was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.
The reason the command procedure to shoot down a rogue plane was changed just weeks before 9-11 to having to get Donald Rumsfeld’s permission first….and then was changed back immediately the day AFTER 9-11 to the pilots discretion…..was because there were no commercial plane crashes on 9-11.