Richdude wrote on May 11
th, 2018 at 11:58pm:
How do you know what technology we have now - Sad?
Ben Rich (I think that was his name) - head of Lockheed Martin "Skunk works" stated 20 years ago in a speech to his old college graduates. "We have the technology to travel to distant stars and take ET home" and "it would take an act of God for the public to ever see this technology". Interesting comments - he however said later that he was speaking "tongue in cheek".
The point I'm making is how do you know what is going in highly secure fields of research. Do you think you will see it on telly - 60 minutes perhaps or the SMH?
Now that is gullible thinking!
I see what you did there, asked and answered your honour.
As a rule of thumb, if Light makes a claim and his source is conspiracy websites and not a single credible source, and the explanation for the lack of actual evidence is yet another layer of conspiracy, it's a safe bet it's bullshit.
There is also the laws of physics to take into account.
I'm lucky that while I never explored it as a professional field I do have some engineering and mathematics background and training. A big part of that is an understand of critical thinking and the importance of being able to prove something, peer review and most importantly knowing when you've reached the end of your understanding.
Short version, a fully functioning bullshit detector.
I think this is why Light and I don't get along because his bullshit detector is calibrated in reverse.
"Question every accepted form of understanding, blindly accept the fantastic and unproven"
Every time I follow him down the rabbit hole and consume the hours of crap he posts, compose and respond with a considered and factual reply, often with full citation of the evidence that formed my opinion on the subject (unlike he who only searched for information to support his opinion, again he's got it in reverse), it's always met with a pathetic childish finger in the ear "la la la la" style reply and every effort to ignore the truth.
Every time.
It's like he's worried he'll lose some sort of standing by admitting he was wrong. It would be the opposite in fact. But he's so focused on winning and losing that he doesn't care about the truth. There are far too many people like that in the world today, but especially on these forums.
He has not once learnt a single thing and just digs his heels in and rewrites his conspiracy to try and counter the new facts that have been presented to him, all the while claiming he's posting truth and everyone else is part of the conspiracy.
He also tries, but fails, to use the language that other have to prove him wrong, in reverse, against them.
You're similar in that you take a very adversarial approach.
Again, rather than evaluate your position, you attack those who don't agree and take your opponents inability to explain a situation as an immediate validation of your point of view regardless of how factual it may be.
There is nothing wrong with not understanding something. That is step one of discovery. But making claims from that lack of understanding is simply argument from ignorance and doesn't prove a thing.
"I have a video of a white dot in the sky, it's a UFO. It must be aliens".
Nope, it's unidentified, discussion over.
These are all classic failings when it comes to identifying the truth of a situation. Thank goodness outside of cry babies on Internet forums, especially in the scientific community, there are the basic rigours of the scientific process designed to weed out this flawed thinking. Sadly this only feeds the true conspiratards, but I digress.
On the topic of our little conversation within this thread, because I question the truth of this "cloaking technology" that has been demonstrated under a very controlled lab tests, there is no evidence that it can scale up to practical applications.
Optical camo can only work from one point of view, much like this scene (fictional I might add just in case you can't tell) from Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol,
(Skip ahead to ~7:30 when 2 points of view or more start to mess with the illusion)
In the context of this thread, why are we even bringing up the possibility of this currently based on credible sources, non-existent technology in 2018, let alone what was available in 2001 anyway?
Are we adding another layer to the conspiracy because some of the footage shows exactly what happened, but that doesn't match the conspiritards position, therefore there must have been cloaked invisible aircraft involved?
You've both done a great job at avoiding that question so far.
What's the point?