" Pilots for 911 truth have a good video which demonstrate actions by the military and Dick Cheney made the attack possible. Aircraft supposedly crashing into towers and Pentagon were still transmitting positions 20 minutes after purported crashes.
911 Can be explained by putting Freemasons into the picture. They swear oath of allegiance to Freemasons above all others. "
Laugh till you cry
many blessings lighted one ,
for now you clearly see

Freemasonry is incapable of being honestly defended, and hence the votaries of that vile system must necessarily resort to the contemptible subterfuge of trying to cast discredit upon the testimony of seceding Masons. They prefer to believe that when once a man has taken the fierce and terrible oaths of the Masonic institution, and has bound himself under its ferocious death penalties, he ought to keep them inviolable as long as he lives, whether right or wrong; and to any one who repudiates these wicked and illegal obligations, and who renounces all further connection with the Christ-rejecting and God-dishonoring ceremonies and philosophy of the lodge room, the very mildest epithet which they can apply is, "perjured villain," " abandoned apostate," or "detestable wretch." Although this is but the argument of an impostor, yet they set it forth in such a plausible manner as to deceive the general public, and hence the urgent necessity for its refutation. In the following pages, then, this question is fully, and I trust, finally, disposed of, as it is there clearly demonstrated that Freemasonry has no secret and never had any since 1730; that taking it's degrees is a mere matter of purchase and sale; that the only condition upon which this sale is effected, is an imposture and a fraud from the very beginning on the part of Masonry itself; that no promise made to the candidate by the Worshipful Master, has ever been kept; that the Masonic obligations are, in themselves, a double violation of the law of the land and the law of God; and consequently that, so far from being bound in any way by such a wicked and fraudulent imposition, it is a Mason's duty to renounce forever and to denounce such a miserable piece of sham and outrageous folly.
This book is intended, however, not so much to defend seceding Masons, as to enlighten the minds of honest and conscientious adhering members, and so to lead from them the false philosophy and worship of Hiram Abiff, to that glorious liberty wherewith Christ alone can make them free.
for it is the reality
all freemasonic oaths interject and trump
any oath of office .... they work in collusion and
secret through secret oaths binding them
in brotherhood yes , kennedy spoke of them and they
killed him and set that as a deterrent for any other
whom would dare reveal secret societies with
secret oaths .
...yet to whom against is this brotherhood formed ?
the peoples of the christ ?
a dark brotherhood committing these nefarious acts
and abominations toward humanity yes
a collective concert toward a non human agenda
this order is the anti - christ ..that is , 'to be like' christ
and in concert the pantomime is carried out ,
through media law property religion and fear ,
make the uninitiated easily hoodwinked and
manipulatable .. and lo ,
my people are destroyed for lack of wisdom
yet there is movement under foot as humanity awakens
in love and divine light

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