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911 was an inside job by Bush insiders (Read 262598 times)
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\/ Peace man!

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #600 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:32pm
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #601 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:34pm
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:09pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Mar 4th, 2014 at 10:47pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Mar 4th, 2014 at 6:21pm:
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 4th, 2014 at 5:49pm:
Looks like Gizmo's been put back in the closet and Gizmo's hander has brought out datalife to peddle the disinformation.

A couple of midgets Bigol64 and Setanta are distributing the leaflets.

The bugle and his two turkeys are disseminating disinformation on how steel is really composed of dust which disintegrates when exploded.

Good luck with that. You can put the turkeys on the barby when you are done bugling.

Nope, Gizmo has just realised the futility of try to present evidence to the brain damaged (yes I mean YOU, and your fellow conspiraloons), so I've lost interest in trying to wake you up...and NO that doesn't mean I've 'surrendered' or 'admitted defeat' or any of the other crap you idiots like to say. It's just that you guys/girls are NOT capable of accepting reality.

I agree Gizmo, these nutjobs are delusional, i am done with this thread.

You are vanquished by the supporters of justice. Go back to your imaginary aircraft and take Gizmo with you.

Presenting evidence? This is what some of us have been doing!

Do some of you really believe it is all above board, and that all the named hijackers really did fly passenger planes into the buildings?
And that some of you really have not a shadow of a doubt at all?????

Well, what does my signature say below?

Those of us that have doubts, and see things that don't add up, and so many inconsistencies and cover ups...yes, do some of you support that?
Cover ups, confiscating videos to show us the truth, which would only serve to prove their own (government etc) story that a plane did crash into the Pentagon....showing us all the videos would only prove themselves then, wouldn't it?

Is that what some of you that oppose those of us that you call 'nutjobs' (yes, your own character assasination of others from the very start)  beleive, that the Bush Government is telling the complete truth?

Do you also believe that the news media didn't try to glorify the explosions of the WTC buildings by adding their own special items photoshoped for more effect?

The proof is there, and yet, not a shadow of a doubt at all that the Government and whomever is controlling them from higher above, is more interested in power, oil, money?

Do you really think they give 2 hoots about any of us peons?

Me thinks it's some of you that needs a wake up call, and I believe it is gaining momentum.....and then, it will be interesting to see what some have to say afterwards.

Time will tell.

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« Last Edit: Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:40pm by Sophia »  
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #602 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:35pm
  Roll Eyespage turning effort one....
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #603 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:35pm turning effort 2
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #604 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:36pm
...third and final call....
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #605 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:37pm
...there, 3rd time lucky as they say  Smiley
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Australian Politics

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #606 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:54pm
The other day I stumbled onto a web page where this US state troop said he would take me through the evidence to prove that the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, never really happened because it was a hoax. How do people get themselves so worked up about these things that they let themselves believe some of the most incredibly stupid stories.  Hopeless!!!
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Australian Politics

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #607 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:54pm
The other day I stumbled onto a web page where this US state troop said he would take me through the evidence to prove that the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, never really happened because it was a hoax. How do people get themselves so worked up about these things that they let themselves believe some of the most incredibly stupid stories.  Hopeless!!!
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Australian Politics

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #608 - Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:55pm
The other day I stumbled onto a web page where this US state troop said he would take me through the evidence to prove that the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, never really happened because it was a hoax. How do people get themselves so worked up about these things that they let themselves believe some of the most incredibly stupid stories.  Hopeless!!!
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #609 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 12:00am
ImSpartacus2 wrote on Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:55pm:
The other day I stumbled onto a web page where this US state troop said he would take me through the evidence to prove that the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, never really happened because it was a hoax. How do people get themselves so worked up about these things that they let themselves believe some of the most incredibly stupid stories.  Hopeless!!!

Well you know, as they say, in America anything is possible  Tongue

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Sir lastnail
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #610 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 12:24am
gizmo_2655 wrote on Mar 4th, 2014 at 6:31pm:
Seriously Nails, you don't actually think that logic or intelligence is going to work on conspiracy nuts, do never works on you.

well it's funny how you don't flag that one as a nutjob conspiracy theory along with the Alqaeda mountain fortress Cheesy LOL
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #611 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 12:25am
Setanta wrote on Mar 4th, 2014 at 11:32pm:

And a new video from a different angle that was released after all this time via a law suit, that the FBI had confiscated.

So what is the reason that all those video cameras that take 15 photos a second around the Pentagon not shown to prove anything, that they are trying to make us believe?
Why not show all those images?
Can anyone show us those images taken from all those cameras....yes, 15 photos per second!
Waiting for a reasonable answer, enquiring minds want to know.

This is what was confiscated from across the road at a service station.

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\/ Peace man!

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #612 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 1:34am
Sophia wrote on Mar 5th, 2014 at 12:25am:
And a new video from a different angle that was released after all this time via a law suit, that the FBI had confiscated.

So what is the reason that all those video cameras that take 15 photos a second around the Pentagon not shown to prove anything, that they are trying to make us believe?
Why not show all those images?
Can anyone show us those images taken from all those cameras....yes, 15 photos per second!
Waiting for a reasonable answer, enquiring minds want to know.

This is what was confiscated from across the road at a service station.

Look at the cars travelling and the person walking in that video Lols, that is not 15fps. More like 2 to 4. Where do you get the 15fps information? The explosion on the Pentagon security camera doesn't look anywhere near 15fps either. 613mph is 900 feet per second, no wonder you don't see much in the video of flight 77. Remember these cameras would not be designed to watch planes crash into buildings but cars and people on the grounds.

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Christ Light

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #613 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 5:59am
You are vanquished by the supporters of justice. Go back to your imaginary aircraft and take wingman Gizmo under your wing. Strap Setanta on your aircraft's roof rack. His broomstick will boost your crash and burn morale.

Datalife has run out of blather and never had any data. Datalife's like an obsolete ticker tape machine after stockmarket closing time. Datalife's output was all zeros and his attempt to hit the bull'seye only achieved the bull.

You all started with a lot of froth and bubble and ended up with whining and blather. No real facts or evidence just conjecture and NWO scripts.

A couple of other inconsequential ventriloquist dummies were imposed by Gizmo's handler, but they were like jetsam and never rode the surface currents.

Sprinkle some pulverised WTC on your joints and enjoy.

laugh till you cry ..

many blessings

such skill and humorous wordplay on display

which amuses one such as I am

in love and divine light


- : ) =

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Christ Light

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #614 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 6:55am
facts are truth

and truth keeps coming at your face

and surrounding area

unrebutted .

The story...

Molten steel was discovered in the basements of the collapsed WTC. Fire couldn't raise the temperature high enough to melt steel, but explosives, particularly thermite, could.

As Lisa Giuliani put it:

The existence of these burning pools of molten steel were confirmed by:

- Mark Lorieux of Controlled Demolition, Inc
- Peter Tully, President of Tully Construction
- and the American Free Press newspaper

Please explain where these molten pools of steel came from, because hydrocarbon fires are not going to burn in an oxygen-starved environment as these underground fires did.

Thermite and the
WTC Collapses

Following the World Trade Center collapses thermal hot spots with temperatures in excess of 700°C existed deep within the wreckage of the buildings. These temperatures were sustained for a long period of time.


The temperature at the core of "the pile," is near 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, according to fire officials, who add that the fires are too deep for firefighters to get to. [ABC News, 9/18/01]


"This is how it's been since day one...and this is six weeks later. As we get closer to the center of this it gets hotter and hotter - it's probably 1500 degrees."
WMV video download (616kB)


"Out on the rubble it's still, I believe, 1,100 degrees. The guys boots just melt within a few hours."

WMV video download (130kB)

In perfect conditions the maximum temperature that can be reached by hydrocarbons such as jet fuel burning in air is 1520° F (825° C). When the World Trade Center collapsed the deeply buried fires would have been deprived of oxygen and their temperatures would have significantly decreased.

Why was the temperature at the core of "the pile" nearly 500° F hotter than the maximum burning temperature of jet fuel a full seven days after the collapses? There were no infernos in either of the twin towers before they collapsed, so what caused the hot spots deep in their wreckage?

Dr. Frank Gayle, Metals Expert, on the jet fuel fires which burned in the WTC buildings:
"Your gut reaction would be the jet fuel is what made the fire so very intense, a lot of people figured that's what melted the steel. Indeed it didn't, the steel did not melt."  []

Molten steel did not exist in the WTC buildings prior to the collapses, but...

Molten steel was found "three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble was being removed [from WTCs 1 & 2]," Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon. [American Free Press]

What caused the steel to melt? How did it stay molten for months after the collapses?

     One of the more unusual artefacts to emerge from the rubble is this rock-like object which has come to be known as "the meteorite". "This is a fused element of molten steel and concrete all fused by the heat into one single element."
WMV video download (376kB)


Conventional fires cannot account for the above, but thermite can.

A thermite reaction generates extraordinarily high temperatures (>2500° C) and provides a credible explanation for the fires, hot spots and molten steel (a by-product of the thermite reaction) found in the collapsed buildings.


"Anyone who has ever watched a building being demolished on purpose knows that if you're going to do this you have to get at the under-infrastructure of the building to bring it down"
Peter Jennings, ABC News 9/11/2001.

WMV video download (171kB).

"If I were to bring the towers down, I would put explosives in the basement to get the weight of the building to help collapse the structure"

Mark Loizeaux, president,
Controlled Demolition Inc.

The fact that the core of WTC 1 failed below the third floor indicates the above occurred, as does the following:

"I guess about three minutes later you just heard explosions coming from building two, the south tower. It seemed like it took forever, but there were about ten explosions." [Craig Carlsen -- Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.)]

     Video documenting nine explosions at the base of WTC 2 prior to its collapse.
WMV video dowenload (2.8 MB)

When the rescue team reached an area directly in front of Tower Two, Antonio said he'd take over the equipment cart Will had pushed from Building 5. ... The team moved ahead. ... Suddenly the hallway began to shudder as a terrible deafening roar swept over them. That's when Will saw the giant fireball explode in the street. []
As Ron DiFrancesco ran away [from WTC 2] he was hit by a fireball ... he was probably the last person out alive. "I saw the fireball and heard a loud noise. That's all I remember..."
WMV video download (291kB)

read on , as we draw ever closer

to divine truth .....consequently ,

your planet is to change quite drastically

and as such ,


in love and the divine light


- : ) =

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« Last Edit: Mar 5th, 2014 at 7:01am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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