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911 was an inside job by Bush insiders (Read 262603 times)
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #630 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:05am
So, who were the pilots then, as the list of suspects, except for one, were all alive and elsewhere at the time.

Names of pilots please.

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:15am by Sophia »  
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #631 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:11am
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 6th, 2014 at 11:45pm:
WTC fires ":weakened steel" according to NIST but this tough woman waving from the gaping aircraft hole wasn't weakened.

Yes LTYC, this I remember of the lady standing where the ‘passenger plane’ penetrated the building, with the bs story of it’s apparent hotter than hell fuel that soured to a temperature that supposedly melted steel and concrete together, and brought the whole building down as a result of that ‘plane fire’.

Ahem…..the lady (and others) seem to be okay, and withstanding the after effects of the ‘jetfuel’ having burnt up and finished, whilst the fire around was fizzling out….and I believe, they could have been saved……but then….

……those multiple ‘explosions’ started, mainly from the lobby and basement (witnesses say, including firemen), that seemed to somehow, trigger off a reaction, that truly heated up to melt steel….and strangley, people felt the strange heat or energy, thus taking off their clothes, and instead of waving, calmly as some did earlier before whislt fully clothed, they jumped to their deaths. 

The timeline fits in with that.

I still wonder….. if the buildings have fallen down a-la-naturale from ‘extreme heat’ hotter than jet fuel can burn, (as we have been told) then where are all the thousands of broken off porcelain toilets pieces?

Did anyone see a loo anywhere in that ‘dust pile’? Everyone arriving there to look for survivors, asking of the buildings, where is it? (the whole of the building)….there seemed more dust than anything else.
Evaporated like that, just like Dr. Judy explained.

Us mere peons can’t answer that, but….with more and more experts, engineers, and associated professionals, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to form a picture.

I ask again, why is it that the FBI had to confiscate a video from the service station across the road from the Pentagon for? Why? Took 12 years for them to get it back, and I wonder if it has been diddled with in the meantime hey  Wink

Why have we not got any more photos/videos, of the “passenger plane” coming in towards the Pentagon then?
This is not  side shot of a plane or missile, it’s a front on shot, and that should be in amongst the secret videos/photos that they are with-holding.

That act in itself, smacks of guilt, as they are defiantly hiding something.

If they are so adamant to insist it’s a passenger plane that went into the Pentagon, then why not show us ALL THE images that ALL those PENTAGON CAMERAS FILMED??? Well, WHY NOT? Huh huh? Why Not?

Each one of those cameras on the Pentagon, probably on a few feet apart from each other, would have caught heaps of images. C’mon…..let’s see them!

Pentagon: Show us your pics!  Wink

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:19am by Sophia »  
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #632 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:13am
...oh poop Roll Eyes the page turning fiasco again!
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #633 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:13am
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #634 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:14am
..3rd time lucky as always...
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #635 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:55am
Now only 20% of Americans believe the establishment story that WTC 7 was destroyed by fire.

More and more people every year are questioning the establishment position on 911.
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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:43pm by Laugh till you cry »  

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #636 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 12:51pm
Seems that ironically the only one who told the truth at that time was Osama Bin Laden (not the Hollywood fake video) when he said that the US shadow Government was responsible.
You "deniers" would have to wonder why the CIA would make a fake "confession" by Osama Bin Laden.
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #637 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:41pm
Richdude wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 12:51pm:
Seems that ironically the only one who told the truth at that time was Osama Bin Laden (not the Hollywood fake video) when he said that the US shadow Government was responsible.
You "deniers" would have to wonder why the CIA would make a fake "confession" by Osama Bin Laden.

There is also speculation that Bin Laden died long before the USA claims to have murdered him. The whole scenario was strange with the purported disposal of the body at sea.

Another strange endeavor of NWO Inc.
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #638 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 6:21pm
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:55am:
Now only 20% of Americans believe the establishment story that WTC 7 was destroyed by fire.

More and more people every year are questioning the establishment position on 911.

Your point?
Last year, Gallup once again reported that nearly half of the country believe the Biblical version of events: “Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.”

A National Science Foundation study involving 2,200 participants find that about 25 percent of Americans got this question wrong: 'Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?'

When asked that question, 1 in 4 Americans surveyed answered incorrectly. Yes, 1 in 4. In other words, a quarter of Americans do not understand one of the most fundamental principles of basic science. So that’s where we are as a society right now.

What Americans "believe" is not something you want to base your conclusions on, that's for sure.
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #639 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 7:41pm
Numbers/numerology, are always co-incidentally fascinating, particularly within families and similar birth dates or date of deaths, of the month etc

So, with that, what are the odds for the dates co-inciding from the bible, and in relation to the twin (erm, rather triple towers).

jeremiah 11:9 And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Now a question is burning in my mind, how is it, that here in the land of OZ, we continually see our own aussies putting crap on our politicians, calling them liars, but somehow, many here are having trouble calling the Bush Govt liars? Well, here is a quote from Bush (which is quoted from the Global Elite and New World Order).....

"You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order - order out of chaos. But we will."

And that is the motto of the 33rd degree of Masonary.

Mass minded manipulation technique. Creating chaos, then creating order which changes the society the way they want.


For more quotes:

True or not, Oil pipes being laid out in Afghan, with 60% world oil in Afghan for the US to control, to even supply oil to China? It that why this Afghanistan war is going on and on and on...and why our boys are there for way too long. Now I know.....they are being used as Henry Kissinger referred to military men as "dumb stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy

I have been thinking of that adage recently "Power corrupts, but absolute power, corrupts absolutely"

And one more quote:

Okay, how about this statement from Henry Kissinger, 1991....(no need for prophets or Nostradamis here!) Is this what is taking people's real freedom away is all about?....then, we haven't gotten to the micro chip yet....but that's another story.

(quoted 1991)"Today America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existance. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by the World Goverment".

There is another form of power apart from  (GOD) gold, oil, drugs, and's called "food'.....but that's another story.

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2014 at 10:40pm by Sophia »  
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #640 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 10:24pm
The "Zogby" report shows that 66% want 9/11 investigations re-opened.
As for the 'investigation' of the WTC buildings....Fire Engineering Magazine (training the fire service for 127 years) have stated
-No steel building has ever been destroyed by fire.
-The WTC investigation was a "half baked farce".
we need a new 9 11 investigation short video ... ecrash.htm

Interesting read that link above, the plane crashing into the Empire State Building, yet, not built as strongly as the WTC Twin Towers, it didn't collapse, due to fire....yet fire was evident throughout the why didn't it collapse due to fire and the steel beams melting??????

Now, here's something to consider discussion.

WTC Building Number 6  Shocked

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2014 at 11:02pm by Sophia »  
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #641 - Mar 7th, 2014 at 11:58pm
Building 6 is certainly an eye opener. Devoured from the centre with the shell still standing.

This just demonstrates that Obama is an accomplice to 911 crimes after the fact. There are many other politician's names from both sides of the spectrum to add to that list of accomplices.
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #642 - Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:03am
Setanta wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 6:21pm:
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:55am:
Now only 20% of Americans believe the establishment story that WTC 7 was destroyed by fire.

More and more people every year are questioning the establishment position on 911.

Your point?
Last year, Gallup once again reported that nearly half of the country believe the Biblical version of events: “Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.”

A National Science Foundation study involving 2,200 participants find that about 25 percent of Americans got this question wrong: 'Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?'

When asked that question, 1 in 4 Americans surveyed answered incorrectly. Yes, 1 in 4. In other words, a quarter of Americans do not understand one of the most fundamental principles of basic science. So that’s where we are as a society right now.

What Americans "believe" is not something you want to base your conclusions on, that's for sure.

This is just proof of the use of religion to control the masses. Mostly they are so bombarded by the biblical BS most are too dumb to remember what they were taught in school. The politicians know this well and all of them use it.

Perhaps 60% of Americans don't know what to think about 911 because it's not in the bible in pictures. They are like empty vessels.
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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:40am by Laugh till you cry »  

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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #643 - Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:09am
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:03am:
Setanta wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 6:21pm:
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:55am:
Now only 20% of Americans believe the establishment story that WTC 7 was destroyed by fire.

More and more people every year are questioning the establishment position on 911.

Your point?
Last year, Gallup once again reported that nearly half of the country believe the Biblical version of events: “Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.”

A National Science Foundation study involving 2,200 participants find that about 25 percent of Americans got this question wrong: 'Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?'

When asked that question, 1 in 4 Americans surveyed answered incorrectly. Yes, 1 in 4. In other words, a quarter of Americans do not understand one of the most fundamental principles of basic science. So that’s where we are as a society right now.

What Americans "believe" is not something you want to base your conclusions on, that's for sure.

This is just proof of the use of religion to control the masses. Mostly they are so bombarded by the biblical BS most are too dumb to remember what they were taught in school. The politicians know this well and all of them use it.

It's proof you can't use popularity of thinking as truth. This is what I was trying to point out about your claim that "Now only 20% of Americans believe the establishment story that WTC 7 was destroyed by fire". They don't have the knowledge to make an educated, reasoned assessment and don't seek out that knowledge.

Like the pic Light posted on the "bullet hole in a window" thread where it shows the dimensions of the hole in the Pentagon, look up the dimensions of a 757 body. Don't worry, I did it already.
Interior Cabin Width  11 ft 7 in (3.5 m)
Body Exterior Width  12 ft 4 in (3.7 m)

Fit's the hole eh?
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: 911 was an inside job by Bush insiders
Reply #644 - Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:48am
Setanta wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:09am:
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:03am:
Setanta wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 6:21pm:
Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 7th, 2014 at 1:55am:
Now only 20% of Americans believe the establishment story that WTC 7 was destroyed by fire.

More and more people every year are questioning the establishment position on 911.

Your point?
Last year, Gallup once again reported that nearly half of the country believe the Biblical version of events: “Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.”

A National Science Foundation study involving 2,200 participants find that about 25 percent of Americans got this question wrong: 'Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?'

When asked that question, 1 in 4 Americans surveyed answered incorrectly. Yes, 1 in 4. In other words, a quarter of Americans do not understand one of the most fundamental principles of basic science. So that’s where we are as a society right now.

What Americans "believe" is not something you want to base your conclusions on, that's for sure.

This is just proof of the use of religion to control the masses. Mostly they are so bombarded by the biblical BS most are too dumb to remember what they were taught in school. The politicians know this well and all of them use it.

It's proof you can't use popularity of thinking as truth. This is what I was trying to point out about your claim that "Now only 20% of Americans believe the establishment story that WTC 7 was destroyed by fire". They don't have the knowledge to make an educated, reasoned assessment and don't seek out that knowledge.

Like the pic Light posted on the "bullet hole in a window" thread where it shows the dimensions of the hole in the Pentagon, look up the dimensions of a 757 body. Don't worry, I did it already.
Interior Cabin Width  11 ft 7 in (3.5 m)
Body Exterior Width  12 ft 4 in (3.7 m)

Fit's the hole eh?

You overlooked the engines. They are big and heavy. What about the wings and the tail? Look that up in the bible.

It would not surprise me if a survey found that 90% of closet poms believed the sun orbited Uranus.
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