Sack all Cabinet climate change sceptics, say the Greens
The Green Party of England and Wales has called for a purge of government advisers and ministers who do not share its views on climate change. Published 14 February of 2014.
Any senior adviser refusing to accept “the scientific consensus on climate change” should be sacked, it said.
Party leader Natalie Bennett said the rule must apply to all senior advisers, including those with no responsibility for environmental issues.
David Cameron says he suspects recent storms are linked to climate change.
Speaking recently, the prime minister said that while a single weather pattern could not be attributed to climate change, many scientists were talking of a link between the two and the UK should be prepared for more extreme weather.
But some Tory MPs and peers, Lord Lawson being the most prominent, have cast doubt on scientific theories on climate change which argue human activity is predominately responsible for recent rises in global temperatures.
The Greens are now insisting the government gets rid of any cabinet minister who takes a different view on climate change