Innocent bystander wrote on Feb 16
th, 2014 at 11:49am:
The parliament should represent the view of the public
No, the Parliament should represent the INTERESTS of the public. The two are not the same.
Quote: and most of the public now thinks man made climate change is a bunch of BS,
Bogus statistics. In other words, you're making up rubbish.
Quote: thats how we ended up with Tony "climate change is crap" Abbott
No, Abbott did not win his only term as PM due to his Palaeolithic stance on AGW, he won because the public voted out the previous government. His climate change policies - or lack of them - were not at the top of most people's lists of reasons for choosing a vote - and unlike you I have seen the polling to support this.
Quote:and thats why the staunch AGW greens went backwards
No, that's got nothing to do with it.
Your whole post is unsupported conjecture.