Soren wrote on Feb 17
th, 2014 at 7:48pm:
AGW boosters should not be in government.
There is no evidence for climate change being man-caused. There is only conjecture. CO2 being a greenhouse gas does not mean that humans cause climate change.
Perhaps not.
But, if there is even a chance that we can mitigate it, shouldn't we try?
Or should the almighty dollar triumph at any cost, including that of the
existence of the human race as we know it?
Forget the 'man-made' BS for a moment and just accept that the place
is getting warmer.
Which, obviously, it is.
Now! If we can't do anything, then so be it. We're fecked, as a 'civilised'
species (but the species WILL survive, as it has through similar warming
and cooling incidents in the past).
But, having said that, should we give up and not even try?
And, if 'disaster' happens to NOT eventuate, then we still win because
of the development of new technology which can only be of benefit to
**(Oh, sorry. I forgot. I'm a 'leftie' and so have no idea. Yeah, and root you, too.)**