Grendel wrote on Feb 18
th, 2014 at 9:45pm:
Not really.... you do realise that companies have CEOs managers boards etc... and they are responsible for company decisions not Governments.
Abbott explicitly promised to
create one million jobs in five years. An empty promise, since projected population growth in a neutral economy would have created about 900,000 jobs anyway. If those jobs are created, he's going to claim the credit and the Coalition conga line will be joining in. To be fair, when jobs are lost instead - as is happening now - he has to wear the blame and not make excuses. You cannot have it both ways; you cannot claim the credit for the good and deflect the blame for the bad.
He would have been better off not making silly promises without a clear plan to fulfil that promise.
Quote:Curious though... just what would you have done if you were the government... ?
For a start, I would not have been making a promise of creating one million jobs in five years, then done nothing while jobs are lost.
What is his plan to create jobs?
Infrastructure? First thing he did on infrastructure was withdraw funding to all urban rail projects. Not a good start for someone who claims to be the "infrastructure Prime Minister".
Industry assistance? He cut that too - except for those companies that donated to the Coalition: mining industry (mining subsidies), fossil fuel industry (his silly untried "Direct Action" plan), Manildra (ethanol), Cadbury (Cadbury's parent company donated to the Coalition). Probity is not something the Coalition are good at.
Public service? He took an axe to those jobs too.
Cutting mining taxes? When the mining industry already pays very low taxes due to various subsidies? Not many jobs will be created there; the mines have already been built and will start production whether taxes are cut or not.
Cut carbon tax? That's a Coalition lie; there's no proof that this will create a single job, let alone create enough jobs to get to the one million mark in five years.
He has no plan for job creation. He talks about "better jobs" for retrenched workers in manufacturing. What
are these jobs? Who knows? He won't say.