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Geelong to become the next Detroit (Read 2988 times)
Sir lastnail
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Australian Politics

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Geelong to become the next Detroit
Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:05pm
Or is there already a Detroit in Australia ?

"Crime is only growth industry here...."

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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #1 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:08pm
Yes Nail & under Abbott's watch.
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Sir lastnail
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Australian Politics

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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #2 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:12pm
It said on the video that government corruption was rampant in Detroit. Doling out millions to corporations with no long term benefit to the community. Alcoa was given 40 mill 2 years ago. Rent-a-job all over again Sad
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #3 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:49pm
Yes, we've been conned, you and me, into subsidising failed enterprises and much of our money vanished into overseas coffers

When will it occur to our trade-agreement-addicted politicians that across the board, it will be in our interests -- yours, mine and our kids' -- to bring manufacturing back to Oz?

I don't say 'bring back manufacturers' because they're the traitors who put so many Aussies out of work and who grabbed incentives offered by the third world to move manufacturing over there

Most Aussie manufacturers such as Malleys and Simpson were taken over by Electrolux, weren't they?  So Electrolux could outsource to south-east asia -- after which they sold those goods to Aussies who believed they were buying 'real Simpsons' etc.

Simpson and Malleys had to promise not to recommence manufacturing for 25 years or similar when they sold the Simpson brand to Electrolux, if memory serves

Where are the Aussie manufacturers?  Good question

Why did so many political parties aid and assist the forced unemployment of Australians by making it near impossible for anyone to start up a manufacturing company here in Oz?

Then of course, we go back to the start -- to the Lima Declaration of 1975, at which point government sent 30% of Aussie jobs and manufacturing overseas.  And that was just the start.  They've been sending more and more overseas to the point Australians are now mere consumers of overseas crap

Yet politicians of both fake parties pretend to wring their hands about the unemployment situation in Oz.  And they've been doing it for four decades -- all the while knowing EXACTLY the reason for the situation and all the time knowing EXACTLY how to bring employment back so that Aussies can begin manufacturing and earning again

Just think -- starting up production in Australia would provide people with work.  When they have work, they're able to spend.  Isn't that what politicians claims they want?  Isn't it what retailers want?

But there's a problem.  Big problem.  Our government -- regardless of which fake party is taking a turn at destroying us -- have sold us out.  Sold us out repeatedly via these trade-agreements they keep signing

And those trade-agreements don't want Aussies to become self-sufficient, do they?  Course not.  Because if Aussies were self-sufficient and employed in the manufacturing industry here in Oz -- well gee, it would mean Aussies would not buy all the imported crap

Our traitorous governments do deals.  They agree for us to keep on buying crap (because we have no alternative now our own manufacturers have bailed).  And in return, we get to sell dirt out of the ground

Are we getting a good deal?

Unemployment and more unemployment

Crap in every home and the need to keep buying more crap because the crap falls apart ten times faster than the Made in Australia products

Next to no apprenticeships these days

Skills being lost by the hour and the skilled dying now and taking their skills with them because those skills have no place in import-mad Australia

Our land being bought up by the overseas crap-makers

Our residential properties being bought up by the overseas crap-makers

Our rural industries being driven into the ground along with all the sound and fruitful fruit-trees which have been replaced thanks to trade-agreements by dubious cheaper products from again -- overseas

Pork fed on excreta being passed off on Aussies who were never told it comes from China and elsewhere overseas

We've been sold out

And it's not just Geelong that's become Detroit

Try the Sunshine and Gold Coasts

all around this land, in fact

Sold out and left to rot on the vine

We need some viable, ethical political parties to kick the two fakes out.  In fact, I advocate treasonous politicians (most of them imo) be publicly hanged -- after they've been dragged around Australia on the back of a truck so we can all throw bricks at them

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All my comments, posts & opinions are to be regarded as satire & humour
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #4 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 2:47pm
Detroit........somewhat of an exaggeration old boy.....................
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Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
- Sir Winston Churchill
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JC Denton
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Posts: 5471
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #5 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 2:51pm
ive been unfortunate enough to have driven through geelong

its a dump
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Sir lastnail
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Australian Politics

Posts: 30111
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #6 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:05pm
viewpoint wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 2:47pm:
Detroit........somewhat of an exaggeration old boy.....................

take away the center link payments and see what you get Sad
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #7 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:19pm
PZ547 wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:49pm:
Yes, we've been conned, you and me, into subsidising failed enterprises and much of our money vanished into overseas coffers

When will it occur to our trade-agreement-addicted politicians that across the board, it will be in our interests -- yours, mine and our kids' -- to bring manufacturing back to Oz?

I don't say 'bring back manufacturers' because they're the traitors who put so many Aussies out of work and who grabbed incentives offered by the third world to move manufacturing over there

Most Aussie manufacturers such as Malleys and Simpson were taken over by Electrolux, weren't they?  So Electrolux could outsource to south-east asia -- after which they sold those goods to Aussies who believed they were buying 'real Simpsons' etc.

Simpson and Malleys had to promise not to recommence manufacturing for 25 years or similar when they sold the Simpson brand to Electrolux, if memory serves

Where are the Aussie manufacturers?  Good question

Why did so many political parties aid and assist the forced unemployment of Australians by making it near impossible for anyone to start up a manufacturing company here in Oz?

Then of course, we go back to the start -- to the Lima Declaration of 1975, at which point government sent 30% of Aussie jobs and manufacturing overseas.  And that was just the start.  They've been sending more and more overseas to the point Australians are now mere consumers of overseas crap

Yet politicians of both fake parties pretend to wring their hands about the unemployment situation in Oz.  And they've been doing it for four decades -- all the while knowing EXACTLY the reason for the situation and all the time knowing EXACTLY how to bring employment back so that Aussies can begin manufacturing and earning again

Just think -- starting up production in Australia would provide people with work.  When they have work, they're able to spend.  Isn't that what politicians claims they want?  Isn't it what retailers want?

But there's a problem.  Big problem.  Our government -- regardless of which fake party is taking a turn at destroying us -- have sold us out.  Sold us out repeatedly via these trade-agreements they keep signing

And those trade-agreements don't want Aussies to become self-sufficient, do they?  Course not.  Because if Aussies were self-sufficient and employed in the manufacturing industry here in Oz -- well gee, it would mean Aussies would not buy all the imported crap

Our traitorous governments do deals.  They agree for us to keep on buying crap (because we have no alternative now our own manufacturers have bailed).  And in return, we get to sell dirt out of the ground

Are we getting a good deal?

Unemployment and more unemployment

Crap in every home and the need to keep buying more crap because the crap falls apart ten times faster than the Made in Australia products

Next to no apprenticeships these days

Skills being lost by the hour and the skilled dying now and taking their skills with them because those skills have no place in import-mad Australia

Our land being bought up by the overseas crap-makers

Our residential properties being bought up by the overseas crap-makers

Our rural industries being driven into the ground along with all the sound and fruitful fruit-trees which have been replaced thanks to trade-agreements by dubious cheaper products from again -- overseas

Pork fed on excreta being passed off on Aussies who were never told it comes from China and elsewhere overseas

We've been sold out

And it's not just Geelong that's become Detroit

Try the Sunshine and Gold Coasts

all around this land, in fact

Sold out and left to rot on the vine

We need some viable, ethical political parties to kick the two fakes out.  In fact, I advocate treasonous politicians (most of them imo) be publicly hanged -- after they've been dragged around Australia on the back of a truck so we can all throw bricks at them

For example, Japan, where wages are higher than here and energy costs exceed ours.  How dumb is that we sell our dirt to Japan for say $10.00 a ton, they jigetty jig it, and flog the end product to the World at $1000.00 a ton.  We need Government to develop programmes so that we do the jiggety jig, which creates jobs, and increases exports.  That is PUP Policy, by the way.
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #8 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:40pm
Aussie wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:19pm:
PZ547 wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:49pm:
Yes, we've been conned, you and me, into subsidising failed enterprises and much of our money vanished into overseas coffers

When will it occur to our trade-agreement-addicted politicians that across the board, it will be in our interests -- yours, mine and our kids' -- to bring manufacturing back to Oz?

I don't say 'bring back manufacturers' because they're the traitors who put so many Aussies out of work and who grabbed incentives offered by the third world to move manufacturing over there

Most Aussie manufacturers such as Malleys and Simpson were taken over by Electrolux, weren't they?  So Electrolux could outsource to south-east asia -- after which they sold those goods to Aussies who believed they were buying 'real Simpsons' etc.

Simpson and Malleys had to promise not to recommence manufacturing for 25 years or similar when they sold the Simpson brand to Electrolux, if memory serves

Where are the Aussie manufacturers?  Good question

Why did so many political parties aid and assist the forced unemployment of Australians by making it near impossible for anyone to start up a manufacturing company here in Oz?

Then of course, we go back to the start -- to the Lima Declaration of 1975, at which point government sent 30% of Aussie jobs and manufacturing overseas.  And that was just the start.  They've been sending more and more overseas to the point Australians are now mere consumers of overseas crap

Yet politicians of both fake parties pretend to wring their hands about the unemployment situation in Oz.  And they've been doing it for four decades -- all the while knowing EXACTLY the reason for the situation and all the time knowing EXACTLY how to bring employment back so that Aussies can begin manufacturing and earning again

Just think -- starting up production in Australia would provide people with work.  When they have work, they're able to spend.  Isn't that what politicians claims they want?  Isn't it what retailers want?

But there's a problem.  Big problem.  Our government -- regardless of which fake party is taking a turn at destroying us -- have sold us out.  Sold us out repeatedly via these trade-agreements they keep signing

And those trade-agreements don't want Aussies to become self-sufficient, do they?  Course not.  Because if Aussies were self-sufficient and employed in the manufacturing industry here in Oz -- well gee, it would mean Aussies would not buy all the imported crap

Our traitorous governments do deals.  They agree for us to keep on buying crap (because we have no alternative now our own manufacturers have bailed).  And in return, we get to sell dirt out of the ground

Are we getting a good deal?

Unemployment and more unemployment

Crap in every home and the need to keep buying more crap because the crap falls apart ten times faster than the Made in Australia products

Next to no apprenticeships these days

Skills being lost by the hour and the skilled dying now and taking their skills with them because those skills have no place in import-mad Australia

Our land being bought up by the overseas crap-makers

Our residential properties being bought up by the overseas crap-makers

Our rural industries being driven into the ground along with all the sound and fruitful fruit-trees which have been replaced thanks to trade-agreements by dubious cheaper products from again -- overseas

Pork fed on excreta being passed off on Aussies who were never told it comes from China and elsewhere overseas

We've been sold out

And it's not just Geelong that's become Detroit

Try the Sunshine and Gold Coasts

all around this land, in fact

Sold out and left to rot on the vine

We need some viable, ethical political parties to kick the two fakes out.  In fact, I advocate treasonous politicians (most of them imo) be publicly hanged -- after they've been dragged around Australia on the back of a truck so we can all throw bricks at them

For example, Japan, where wages are higher than here and energy costs exceed ours.  How dumb is that we sell our dirt to Japan for say $10.00 a ton, they jigetty jig it, and flog the end product to the World at $1000.00 a ton.  We need Government to develop programmes so that we do the jiggety jig, which creates jobs, and increases exports.  That is PUP Policy, by the way.

Be interesting to see what happens to him at the next election...  Cool
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Sir lastnail
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Australian Politics

Posts: 30111
Gender: male
Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #9 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 6:20pm
Aussie wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:19pm:
For example, Japan, where wages are higher than here and energy costs exceed ours.  How dumb is that we sell our dirt to Japan for say $10.00 a ton, they jigetty jig it, and flog the end product to the World at $1000.00 a ton.  We need Government to develop programmes so that we do the jiggety jig, which creates jobs, and increases exports.  That is PUP Policy, by the way.

Whilst presiding over the decline of our value adding industries both sides of government have been feeding multi-national corporations to provide temporary and unsustainable manufacturing jobs as part of their failed manufacturing policies.

They have put all of their money on the one mining horse whilst expecting the house hoarding mentality and the trip down to bunnings to keep the rest of us preoccupied.

Well we have certainly over extended the prosperity credit card and now it's pay back time. The chinese dude who earns two dollars a day with a savings account now wants his money back + interest !!

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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #10 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 6:34pm
What about innovation. We could start a new financial sport of flipping holes in the ground.
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Please don't thank me. Effusive fawning and obeisance of disciples, mendicants, and foot-kissers embarrass me.
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JC Denton
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #11 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 6:37pm
manufacturing and most jobs will go the way of the dodo in 50 years as robots and automated processes are taking them over. the future will be most of the population recieving a government supported living wage and a small number of affluent creative professionals doing whatever little work there is remaining that isnt able to be automated.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 1345
Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #12 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 6:55pm
JC Denton wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 6:37pm:
manufacturing and most jobs will go the way of the dodo in 50 years as robots and automated processes are taking them over. the future will be most of the population recieving a government supported living wage and a small number of affluent creative professionals doing whatever little work there is remaining that isnt able to be automated.

You may be right about no jobs, a, government supported living wage, definitely not.
The wage will probably be only at a subsistence level for the bottom 80% of the citizens.
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JC Denton
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #13 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 6:58pm

who knows given the sh1tstains that run the world, but a bleak, listless and meaningless existence awaits most of us in 15-20 years

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red baron
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Re: Geelong to become the next Detroit
Reply #14 - Feb 18th, 2014 at 7:05pm
Everyone is concentrating on what is a disappearing industry here. Australians are great at innovation. After all, the first fleet started with a few ships and a tent city.

We have the ability to make Australia a world leader in I.T. for a start. The way forward is education then implementing the clever ideas that come out.

One only has to look at the medical profession to see what a world leader we are in that field.

For God's sake think outside the box and stop crying over what is already gone.
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