viewpoint wrote on Feb 19
th, 2014 at 3:51pm:
There are far more deserving cases, genuine asylum seekers who reside in camps in many countries waiting for their claim for asylum to be granted. They have applied through the correct channels, and endure camp conditions until their asylum claims are granted. They neither have the money to pay people smugglers nor do they want to enter a country illegally. These are the people this country would welcome, not boat load after boat load of cashed up queue jumpers who care nothing about Australian sovereign borders. They behave dishonourably and have acted illegally before they even touch land, Manus or otherwise.
Which is why a key part of the Malaysia solution was taking these people you are so desperately sad for in whilst returning those who engage smugglers.
Sure 800 was the start point but as sure as anything it would have been increased.
Did you say that was a good policy?
Did you argue here it should be at least given a chance?
Don't hide behind the High Court, they only enact the law, at any stage Tony could have joined with Labor & amended the law to make it happen.
Stop your disgusting crocodile tears, you don't give a flying *** about anyone.
Truth hurts eh arsehole.