Yadda wrote on Feb 20
th, 2014 at 10:27pm:
Stratos wrote on Feb 20
th, 2014 at 3:39pm:
Pete Waldo wrote on Feb 20
th, 2014 at 3:26pm:
Judaism IS the only one of the two that can demonstrate it is a religion, and thus kosher meats for religious purpose.
Find me one definition of the word "religion" that doesn't cover Islam.
religion = =
1 the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. a particular system of faith and worship.
2 a pursuit or interest followed with devotion. More importantly, Islam is an
violent cult. THE false prophet Muhammad filled his followers with complete resolve
to DISbelieve the WHOLE SUBJECT of the Gospel, to REJECT the shed blood that Jesus shed for us all, and DENY and blaspheme the Son of God.Islam is a cult that is to the Gospel, as the negative is to a photograph.
their "worship" is in DISbelief, REJECTION and DENIAL. Islam is the opposite of belief. Islam is specifically ANTICHRIST. Besides being about what NOT to believe, Islam is about imperialistic conquest, slaughter and subjugation of non-Muslims.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1391788854That's why followers of the false prophet Muhammad are murdering Christians all around the world.
Regardless of what Muhammad's followers have been fooled into believing they believe, since Islam is an imperialistic, violent, ANTI-religion, Islam is in actuality no more of a religion than the Mafia. Perhaps the main difference being that the Mafia prefers not to murder people because it can cause them difficulties, whereas many of Muhammad's followers are eager to conquer and/or slaughter non-Muslims, simply for believing differently than themselves.
http://www.falseprophetmuhammad.com/muslim_persecution_of_christians.htmBut I suppose that's just the way it should be, since the kingdoms of this world have been Satan's legal possession ever since Adam's fall. That's why the children of the flesh lust after control of these kingdoms, and temporal things of this world as Yadda pointed out.
Islam is not just some
other religion, like Hinduism.
Islam should be outlawed for hate inspired commands for violence against others.
Sahih Muslim B41, #6981 Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me); kill him.
http://www.falseprophetmuhammad.com/islam_and_jews.htmIt should be treated no differently by free nations, than any other imperialistic power out to conquer nations, and subjugate citizens. Islam should be treated as an enemy of freedom, liberty and the right to self determination that it has been for 1400 years: