in·teg·ri·ty [in-teg-ri-tee] Show IPA
adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull.
Origin: 1400–50; late Middle English integrite < Latin integritās. See integer, -ity
Synonyms 1. rectitude, probity, virtue. See honor.
Antonyms 1. dishonesty.
Why have I put this up here?
Well it seems to me that this word "integrity" is the key to having the honour and esteem that many claim that our Navy deserves.
Well, part of integrity is about being transparent and being above reproach. Is that our Navy? Hardly, given the history of abuse and assaults on new recruits etc etc.
The service does, at least now days, endeavour to address these situations, but, to be completely blunt, it still has a fair way to go.
Anyone who says that any of our services, forces, representative or even individuals is above being investigated for anything seriously needs a big dose of integrity because you are sadly lacking.
I realise that many will either not understand this or want to rail against it, let me just say, that of itself would speak volumes about your own integrity.
What has been done completely wrong in ALL of this, has been the lack of transparency and these repeated incursions into Indonesian waters, were, as pointed out, an opportunity for increased transparency. That opportunity was thrown on the ground and spat on, either by the Navy or by the Government. Take your pick, but either way, our Navy and our Government presently are not demonstrating having integrity. That is something that can never be taken for granted.