Certainly these fools think that everyone at that age enjoys the pink of health - easy mistake to make when your whole life is one of handouts (As Joe Hocking Australia and Eric Ah Betz ya ten to one he's gone next time are).
Of course - an unshakable policy of the Grappler Party (yet to be named and organised) is that all politicians will not be able to access the government largesse of their 'superannuation' until retirement age.
We really need to get rid of this 'handout' and 'gimme' attitude that has crept into the ruling classes here (don't you love it when some bastard who has suffered mightily at their hands uses the same phraseology in referring to them?), and put in simple terms - Australia can no longer afford to carry them unless they are prepared to go to wo0rk and stop bludging off the taxpayer.
Of course - dear old Hocking Aus and Abetcha seem not to comprehend that if they continue to raise the age retirement limit for age pension - all that will happen is that one of their favourite whipping boys - the DISABILITY SUPPORT PENSION - will rapidly increase in numbers.
That's why these slimy, sucking on the hind teat morons are attacking the DSP right now - so all you twits out there who imagine yourselves so comfortably off will suffer...
Why is it that you cannot comprehend that what is applied to government pensions also applies to the now suffering 'self-funded' as some of you claim to be (LMAO). Once Hocking the country and his crowd run out of pensioners to scab off - who do you think is left?
I LOVE it when fools shoot themselves in the foot all the time.