Billy Jack wrote on Feb 22
nd, 2014 at 11:48am:
Friends them folks younger than me can do just fine at age 65. They can still get their ends up! So it is about time that them folks down there in our fine capitol reformed them pensions. Now, I don't use them pensions because I invested wisely and such, but many folks do. They are going to raise the entitlement age, and it's a good thing.
Back in them Roman times, people only lived to 40 but even they got a good pension! Well sure. And they can reform them pensions by adding a Death Date to people's birth certificates, eh ?
That way, when people reach their Death Date (subject to amendment by govt. at any time, naturally) the cops arrive on the door and take the soon to die by the arms
No chatter, no whining. After all, their Death Date has been clearly visible all the way through on their birth certificate. Not as if they don't know it's coming. Not as if they haven't had time to say their goodbyes and put their matters in order
Then off to the Death Chambers. There'd be thousand of them being put down each day
To start, they might set the mandatory Death Date at 75 years after the date of birth. Automatically stamped, that Death Date, the minute a kid was born
Later, depending on which government has stuffed the budget and put the country in unsustainable debt, that Death Date could be lowered to whatever was convenient at the time. In tough times, it could even be lowered to age 45, who knows
Will save a heap on pensions
and of course, by then, voluntary euthanasia will be commonplace and legal. So people might choose to jump the queue and end it at age 30 or even younger, thus freeing up resources and lending even further
Die young and have a good looking corpse could become the trend of tomorrow
and wrinkly old people would only exist in the pages of history