Baronvonrort wrote on Feb 24
th, 2014 at 8:46pm:
I said stick up for Islam, Iran has been ruled by the Islamic regime since the Islamic revolution in 1979.
Kat is a green supporter and many other leftists have called me a xenophobic racist bigoted Islamophobe for being critical of Islam,you never hear the morally bankrupt leftists calling critics of christianity christianophobes or bigots do you?
The Iranians dont want to flee they want to get rid of the Islamic regime, when dopey leftists put respect for ancient beliefs before respect for humanity it makes it harder for them to force changes.
If christians ruled anywhere the leftists would be squealing like stuck pigs yet they are silent about Islamic rule despite the many calls by muslims for sharia law in Australia.
The Iranian's are easy to sort out if they are genuine refugees, a muslim is not a genuine refugee yet the death penalty for leaving Islam makes Iranian non muslims genuine refugees.
Ask them if they prefer Cyrus the Great who abolished slavery around 530BC and Mossadegh or that pedophile warlord called Mohammad and you will get your answer on whether they are genuine refugees.
Iran is building a nuclear bomb, muslims have a long history of blowing stuff up with bombs, why would you build an expensive to maintain nuclear bomb if you have no intention of using it.
Iran funds Hezbollah (party of god) , is their god a terrorist?
They are not under indefinite mandatory detention but then you cannot expect honesty from the loopy green nutjobs.
So the greens are all for rioting if you dont get your way, sounds like the greens are intolerant of people who do not agree with them.
Oh my, seems the religious nutter has come out. How's this: Islam is fracked. Christianity is fracked. Religion and nationalism are very much historically the cause of many evil, and are fracked.
Any state that support Sharia law is fracked.
Any state that encourages the idea that men and women aren't equal is fracked.
Any state where religion has resulted in poverty is fracked.
as for blowing up stuff. Let's just say, that there is no excuse for Iran needing a nuclear bomb. And muslims, like man kind, have a long history of blowing stuff up with bombs. That includes ALL man kind, with muslims being a sub-section of mankind. Cool?
Hmm what else you go in there. Oh yes, once again, there is instability in these regions. But rather than talk about religion, which is the cause of the instability, like ALL religion (and nationalism) is the cause of instability, let's look at it from the perspective that until such time as this world RIDS itself of those things that make us "different", or until at least we segregate ourselves enough where needed, there will be those poeple that are persecuted. And unlike you, I won't make this a debate about RELIGION, but rather a debate about the fact that WHILE INSTABILITY EXISTS, PERSECUTED PEOPLE NEED TO BE HELPED, AS PER OUR OBLIGATION UNDER THE REFUGEE CONVENTION.
I hope that is as SIMPLE as one can make it.
And 5 years/indefinite/ it's basically the same when it comes to the fact that we are denigrating people who we are obliged to help.
And you clearly missed the point on the rioting. But it's okay, I didn't expect someone who clearly believes in one religion better than another to ever comprehend anything that is slightly more complex than a fable.