Greensprogress wrote on Feb 24
th, 2014 at 9:00pm:
You can't blame asylum seekers for rape. It's all they know and its how they communicate with women. A few Aussie women suffering rape is nothing compared to the hardship suffered by asylum seekers. We need to be more accommodating and talk to them more so they won't feel the need to communicate with rape.
Personal Safety Survey 2012
On 11 December 2013, the ABS re-issued the results of the nationally representative Personal Safety Survey presenting information about women's and men's experiences of violence. The ABS define sexual assault as "an act of a sexual nature carried out against a person's will through the use of physical force, intimidation or coercion". Sexual violence is defined as including sexual assault and sexual threat.
During the 12 months prior to the survey, 8.7% of all men over 18 years of age, and 5.3% of all women over 18 years of age had experienced some form of violence
Both women and men who experienced violence in the last 12 months, were more likely to have experienced physical violence than sexual violence
In 2012 an estimated 17% (1,494,000) of all women aged 18 years and over had experienced sexual assault since the age of 15.
In 2012 an estimated 4% (336,000) of all men aged 18 years and over had experienced sexual assault since the age of 15.
Both women and men were more likely to experience sexual violence that is perpetrated by a known person rather than a stranger.
For women the most likely type of known perpetrator of sexual violence was a boyfriend/girlfriend or date. For men, the most likely type of known perpetrator of sexual violence was acquaintance or neighbour
Apparently know a lot about it to