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Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate. (Read 2901 times)
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Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:21am
Senate to turn back Abetz on workplace trade-offs

    The Australian
    February 24, 2014

THE government's next wave of workplace changes will be delayed by months after the Labor Party and the Greens declared yesterday they were highly unlikely to support passage of the changes through the Senate.

Employment Minister Eric Abetz will introduce a bill into parliament this week to make it easier for workers to trade off key entitlements, including penalty rates, for more flexible working hours. The bill will also impose fresh restrictions on unions entering workplaces and limit their ability to get pay deals on new resource projects.      

But both the ALP and the Greens said yesterday they were likely to oppose the bill, ensuring the changes will at least be delayed until the new Senate comes into operation from July 1.      Smiley

Opposition workplace relations spokesman Brendan O'Connor said the ALP was suspicious about the government's intentions and it was "highly likely" the opposition would not support the bill".      Smiley

The legislation would overhaul Labor's system of individual flexibility arrangements by abolishing the ability of unions to have enterprise agreements restrict their use. Senator Abetz said the changes would allow workers to trade off penalty rates for working more flexible hours to suit their personal situation.

Mr O'Connor said he wanted to ensure any individual flexibility arrangements were genuinely agreed, that there was proper oversight, that they were not conditions of employment and that workers could not be coerced into signing up to them.

He said the suggestion that the changes would only affect individual workers was "ludicrous". "It has an impact on the people who work around them on the same conditions, doing similar or the same work," he said. "It effectively has an impact on other competitors. That's the intention -- to place pressure all around.

Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt said his party was almost certain to oppose it. He said an employer "shouldn't be able to sign a binding collective agreement on Monday and then contract out of it on Tuesday". "People want more control over their working lives but the only 'flexibility' Tony Abbott has in mind is the flexibility for everyday workers to lose their entitlements."

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver said unions believed the government was "trying to appease the top end of town" and the ALP should oppose the bill. "This is just another move by the government to increase flexibility and have more individual bargaining in the workplace. The unions have always been opposed to that and we would seek the support of the Labor Party to oppose it."

According to an analysis by the Department of Employment the implementation of the bill would reduce negotiations on new projects by two months and generate $70 million in red tape and compliance savings.

It found the proposed changes to the rules governing greenfields agreements would significantly reduce the burden on employers by cutting the time taken for union negotiations by two months.

Senator Abetz said the analysis showed the benefits the policy would have for the economy, workers and employers.
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #1 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:28am
As someone involved in the costings of workforce in varying countries - I really do have to remind you Australia is really not competitive and needs to adjust it's industrial workplace laws.

It needs greater flex in the system to respond to changing market conditions.

Blocking measures to improve your competitive edge is really quite backward thinking.
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #2 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:32am
So talk to the unions      Smiley
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #3 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:33am
So talk to the unions      Smiley


fancy a worker being in charge of his own destiny??????.. who wants that.. Angry Angry

sure as hell the unions dont.
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #4 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:38am
Opposition workplace relations spokesman Brendan O'Connor said the ALP was suspicious about the government's intentions.      Smiley
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #5 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:41am
Opposition workplace relations spokesman Brendan O'Connor said the ALP was suspicious about the government's intentions.      Smiley

Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

aint that the truth...../.dont give anyone the right to decide for themselves.. OMG..what a thought.
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Carlsbad, CA
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #6 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:41am
So talk to the unions      Smiley

I've dealt with the AMWU and I found them to be incredibly confrontational and not a business partner thinking bigger picture at all.
In fact they were quite obstructive to us.

So the more we can go around unions the better.
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #7 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:43am
We know that the coalition, can not be trusted on industrial relations.     Smiley
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Carlsbad, CA
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #8 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:44am
We know that the coalition, can not be trusted on industrial relations.     Smiley

How can Labor - funded by unions - be trusted to be impartial and govern with the interests of business in mind on workplace relations?
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #9 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:53am
Abbott said he would take any changes in Industrial relations to the next election....No excuses and no surprises.....Employers have all the cards in such negotiations and will rip apart workers entitlements with the help of the Coalition Government.....Take it to an election like you promised Mr Abbott!!!

Angry Angry Angry
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If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #10 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:54am
We know full well the coalition can not be trusted on industrial relations.  Remember they were the ones, that introduced work choices ( no choices ).   Sad
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #11 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:57am
We know full well the coalition can not be trusted on industrial relations.  Remember they were the ones, that introduced work choices ( no choices ).   Sad    

why.... we had to trust things like


whats the difference??>.. oh thats right it was a BIG FAT LABOR LIE that makes it ok.
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #12 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:59am
cods wrote on Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:57am:
why.... we had to trust things like


Oh I get it, so the Liberals are just as bad as Labor, did I hear that right?
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Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 15th, 2014 at 11:24pm:
Thus killing those Canaanite babies while they were still innocent, was a particularly merciful act
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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #13 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 7:03am
Liberal Government back to old habits with the return of Individual Contracts
20 February, 2014 | Media Release Unions demand the Abbott Government drop any attempt to introduce Individual Contracts that will cut take-home pay.

ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Abbott Government has given employers the green light to cut people’s pay under the guise of greater ‘flexibility’.

“This is a blatant attempt to cut pay and conditions through Individual Contracts and shows the Abbott Government doesn’t understand the concerns of Australian workers,” she said.

“We know that the Liberal Party definition of flexibility has always been flexibility by workers not for workers and that’s exactly what we have seen again today.”

“Don’t be mistaken, this is an attempt to slash take home pays and working conditions and despite all the pre-election promises, this is undoubtedly what is happening here,” she said.

“Workers and employers need flexibility but this is an extreme and hard-line stance by the Abbott Government to say that a parent of a sick child should take a pay cut in order to look after their family.

“This is an unacceptable choice between workers earning enough to meet their living costs and their ability to look after their family.”

“Minister Abetz talks about imaginary workers that want to give up penalty rates for nothing. We’re yet to find a worker that thinks this is a good deal.”

Only yesterday new figures showed that Australia is experiencing the slowest wages growth on record while the cost of living is rising quickly, faster than wages.

“Australia is in the midst of a job security crisis with thousands of workers losing their jobs and many others pushed into casual insecure work. That’s what the Abbott Government should be focused on, not on making life tougher for people.”

But day after day we keep seeing the Abbott Government trying to drive down wages at a time when families can least afford it.

News reports today show that the Abbott government pressed SPC to slash worker’s wages by up to 40%. The Abbott Government was twice found misleading the public after private companies SPC and Toyota were forced to publicly clarify misleading statements made the government about worker’s wages and conditions.

“Now that the so called ‘wages blowout’ has been proven to be a lie, the Abbott Government has fallen back on Individual Contracts - which were a hallmark of WorkChoices - cutting wages and diminishing conditions that Australian workers rely on in order to balance life and work.”

Under WorkChoices most individual contracts removed basic award conditions:
-    65% of individual agreements removed penalty rates
-    70% of individual agreements removed shift loading
-    68% of individual agreements removed annual leave loading
-    50% of individual agreements removed public holiday pay
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Australian Politics

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Re: Unlikley To Support Passage Through The Senate.
Reply #14 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 7:08am
Stratos wrote on Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:59am:
cods wrote on Feb 24th, 2014 at 6:57am:
why.... we had to trust things like


Oh I get it, so the Liberals are just as bad as Labor, did I hear that right?

you could be.. although it depends on the lie and the aftermaths ....

if giving someone the right to decide his own destiny is wrong.. I do not recall the LIBS saying they would not do that during the election.. Roll Eyes

perhaps you can show me where it made headlines....

abbott always said Workchoices was too stringent..too lets see what this is about.. not just wipe it away because some union claims its wrong...

whats to fear if the worker doesnt want to he doesnt have to...

I for one do not trust unions.. not after what we have b een seeing for years and yeas knowing nothing changes they are a law or force unto themselves...they are huge business...yet run roughshod over everything that they dont like... which can take POWER away from the few...

dont forget we do not vote for these union people yet when labors in they run the show.
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