Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 26
th, 2014 at 10:50am:
BigOl64 wrote on Feb 26
th, 2014 at 10:35am:
Frig you people are dishing upanextra big bucket of stupid today. Grin
How does a dumb sh1t civvie know what the General does or does not know; just work on the fact you know 3 / 5ths of frig all and assume anything you believe to be friggen wrong.
Conroy was being a petulant child and was forced to retract his comment because it was stupid and childish; end of conversation.
Was he?
Perhaps he as I am, are disturbed by
this governments lack of transparency.
How everything seems to be processed through the minsters office.
How information when wrong is left to linger for a week before we hear "I may have been misinformed". So that information is now accepted & regardless of the outcome of a report in 6 months people will still believe this man who was murdered inside our facility was a rioter outside & got what he deserved.
I used to belong to a country that was not afraid to shine a light on & have its endeavors reported on.
I actually respect your opinion on these matters(not entirely sure why), as one who has served aren't you at least a little uncomfortable in the way the military is being used for political purposes?
Seems I moved without knowing it.
Like you said it is the government, this bullsh1t about attacking the General is just that, he is doing his job, a hell of a lot better than some civvie idiot in the same position.
If you want to attack abbott and co, then do so, but don't be like conroy and attack the ADF for doing their job in difficult circumstances.
THe ADF has been used as a political tool by many governments over the years and labor has not been above using them to foce social issues so they can make their 'backers' happy.