Soren wrote on Mar 1
st, 2014 at 10:35am:
Karnal wrote on Feb 28
th, 2014 at 8:59pm:
Soren wrote on Feb 28
th, 2014 at 8:52pm:
[quote author=wally1 link=1393368776/38#38 date=1393574826]
The Arabs created Allah in their own image - capricious, irrational, sensuous, unpredicatable.
Exactly. As do all who worship Gud.
Interesting though that you came to your revelation about Amerikan puppet regimes only after the US failed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Back in 2001, you were the loudest crusader of all.
Personally, I think America and the West went wrong from the minute they decided to pull their punches.
If you go to war you should be prepared to keep killing them until THEY know they are beaten. Otherwise don't bother. The mistake -mine included (oh how idealistic we all were in the 80s and 90s) - was to imagine that people are all the same around the world, with similar values, hopes and ideals.
No, you simply thought they’d kowtow to Uncle’s "surgical" strikes and.military might.
Indeed. How idealistic.
You think Amerika
wasn’t prepared to keep killing until the enemy said Uncle? Amerika was well and truly licked in Faluja. It ultimately prevailed there, but the US lost momentum, hope, and the will of its own people to keep fighting an unwinnable, and pointless, war.
Ultimately, it lacked the funds to keep going. The endless "surges", which achieved some initial success, were knocked on the head when Bush lost popular support and Rumsfeld was given the axe.
Amerika was fighting an invisible enemy. It could.never win. Raiding homes, killing women and children, and shooting cameramen - and their rescuers - from helicopters, is hardly the sign of the US military going soft. The US put everything it had into Iraq, and it’s military and administrative bungling caused it to lose.
The aim was to depose Saddam and create a stable US foothold in the Middle East. Instead, the US created a state of civil war and indefinite instability in the world’s primary source of oil.
And it allowed its enemy Iran to sieze the balance of power.
Always, absolutely, never ever. Your "idealism" was pointed out for what it was prior to 2003. Instead of taking note, you engaged in an orgy of cheap platitudes and blood.
You should learn to listen more, old boy, but you won’t. The ultimate folly of the old boy is his inability to learn from history. He confuses ignorance with strength.
Without the ability to reason, speculate, plan and yield when the circumstances require, the old boy rants, nashes and foams at the mouth. He is a sheep in wolve’s clothing.
And he calls this idealism.