Aussie wrote on Mar 6
th, 2014 at 8:53pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Mar 6
th, 2014 at 8:38pm:
Aussie wrote on Mar 6
th, 2014 at 8:32pm:
Quote:Question time got that bad, albosnleazy would say to a tabled document from liberals, no I will not allow it because..... I just dont like him
I don't recall Albo saying that, but I certainly do recall him denying the LNP any request they made to table a document. Pyne does the same.
Not sure how relevant that issue is. The one attracting focus now is ~ why do we bother with QT? All someone has offered so far is...
Well, that is not anywhere near enough. QT is now as irrelevant as the answers being given. Waste of considerable resources.
Let's abandon the farce.
Qt has always been irrelavent since I can remember. The fixup that was suppose to happen after the labor greens indo alliance, was a waste of time that gave the people even more disappointment.
The should stop wasting time on it. We dont need entertainment from parliament. We need results.
There is another way to approach the problem, pipe dream even though it probably is. It is a bloody good idea that Ministers can be called to account with questions without notice. That is one half of the equation. The other part is obviously ~ the answer.
In a HoR where the Government has an enormous mathematical advantage, without some counterbalance, QT will always be reduced to what we see today......and yes, if you must, before today (but I do exclude the Gillard years to some extent.)
What is the counterbalance? That was supposed to be the Speaker.
So.....we either keep QT and give the Speaker an important and powerful truly neutral role, or we do away with QT. I don't see any other option.
The issue of the 'Dorothy Dixer' also needs attention. That is also high farce.
I cant stand the Dorothy Dixer. QT is made even more pathetic having to listen to that waste of time.
Maybe Dorothy Dixers should be recognised by the speaker and given a much shorter time span and the left over time span, given to the opposition or indo's to ask a question above their allotted amount of questions. That might just make the government of the day think twice about wasting our time and money on a Dorothy dixen.
Another thing I would like to see, is an allotted amount of questions that are of a yes or no answer. The question must be answered with a yes or no, then an explanation time of 5 minutes given to explain why it is yes or no. (instead of the current none answer and 5 minute drivel to a yes or no question)