Meanwhile ... here's a clear case of 'racism' being championed under another name.
Quote:Victorian Liberal backbencher Sharman Stone has suggested her colleagues should look to Labor for ideas about how to get more women into politics.
"I'm beginning to think very seriously that really, the Liberal Party, we have to do more," Dr Stone told AM.
The Labor Party has long had a quota system in place, although it is yet to achieve its target of getting women into 40 per cent of its seats.
The Liberal Party is opposed to the Labor model of quotas, arguing candidates should be preselected on merit rather than gender.
Quota systems are the death of democracy.
Why do we need 'more women in politics' ~ ? It can only mean that women think in a different way to men in politics, and therefore government needs this female alternative view.
It's nonsense.
It's tantamount to demanding quotas on the basis of sexuality, religion, colour, vegetarianism, cultural background, cat-lovers, dog-lovers, generation, age, etc