what does 'chem' stand for?
In our air?
How clean is our air then?
Chemicals are toxic are they not? Not so 'au naturale' then?
Isn't the best thing to breathe, fresh clean air, not air laden with chemicals?
So it happens, that over 100 years ago, 1 in 100 people got cancer, now it is creeping up to 1 in 2 people with cancer, and getting younger at that.
Air quality and water quality and food quality, etc all have a major contributing factor in that IMO. As they say, we are what we eat
chemicals and all.
I had a hair analysis done some years ago, and was amazed at what I had too much of and too little of.
My friend had it done also, and her readings were different.
So it all depends on where we live, what we touch, smell, eat and drink effect our bodies reaction and balance of minerals and chemicals.
My friend had, for instance, a lot of copper in her reading, as she was 70 years of age, her hair was a natural colour, whereas I was 50 yrs of age, and had no copper in my chart, and I have no colour left in my hair.