Sophia wrote on Mar 12
th, 2014 at 2:42pm:
Hi, I would like to suggest "Gumtree"....we have had better success selling on Gumtree than say, Ebay, simply because, Gumtree is like the old fashioned Trading Post, where people put in a location, and say, within 50 or 100kms or whatever they are willing to travel, and will most likely come and see it being closer to their homeground.
I had a poptop caravan on ebay for ages, and had to pay $8 every time I advertised it, and only for 10 days at a time.
Nothing came of it.
Put it on Gumtree, and got lots of enquiries, emails, phonecalls, and sold!
The people are very happy with it.
So it's all about accessability and being closer to home to bother to go and look at it.
Give Gumtree a try...oh and by the's totally free.
Whereas on carsales you pay a fee of $50 from memory.
Ebay get their cut also.
Gumtree is free.
But for how long, who knows, because, Ebay have now bought out Gumtree.
Get in while you can.
What are similar vehicles priced at Armpit? Unusal for it to not sell .. I sold my car on there in a couple of weeks
by the way, I also listed on Gumtree however I didn't get a single enquiry out of it. The good thing with gumtree is that it's free, so you've nothing to lose, try it anyway