This News Article, is about to change the course of World History. For years, the White House staff, have ALL known, that Michelle Obama is in fact a man. And yet, along with countless others, they have knowingly chosen, to be spiritually united as one, with their President, and to be CO-DECEIVERS of the Nations.
While Barack, has repeatedly chosen to invalidate his Presidency, by breaking his oath of office countless times, as he systematically destroys the American Constitution, “Michelle” (at least that is the name he now goes by), has been working with the Mainstream Media, to deceive the entire world, into believing that somehow a man, can be “the First Lady”.
The extent of the White House deception, is truly “an unspeakable horror” – one that has gone on for years, before all of Heaven. It is now time for the entire world to know, that The United States of America, as a nation, has fallen! It has fallen on so many different levels, that truly it will be forever compared, to the past, and present, fall of Rome.
In as much as Barack Obama is a World leader (a fact that is well known), along with his Queen, he has now, truly become “the King of Sodom”. Through the Mainstream Media, and through tolerance, his entire Planet has knowingly embraced the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, and has in fact become even worse, than those historical cities, in the eyes of the One and only Creator.
And so, what is to become of “the great city” – the City of Sodom? Perhaps this next video, will give you a clue. Show no false compassion for one of the greatest deceivers in recorded history – Barack Hussein Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro); for to pity him, as ‘the light of Truth’ illuminates so many of his deceptions, is, to pity ‘the enemy incarnate’, for his evils being brought to the light.
So who are The Two Witnesses, spoken of in the Book of Revelation, in Chapter 11? Their true identities are revealed, at the very beginning of this next video., Barack Hussein Obama is the fulfillment of the Antichrist.. Have there been other antichrists throughout the course of history? Yes, of course: Nero, Hitler, Pol Pot – just to name a few. But one antichrist in particular, was specifically referred to in the Bible as the antichrist, and his name is Barack Obama. It is the name that was foretold, by the biblical phrase, “abomination of desolation”. What America has now become, is in fact, “a desolate, wasteland” – an Obama Nation, of Desolation. A drought of historical proportions. is now fully underway in the United States. The drought is simply, one more sign, of the Obama Nation of Desolation, that is now fully set up both inside, and outside, of all of the churches, both in, and outside of, the United States of America.
The United States Government has several ‘damage control options’ in front of them.
1.) They can have Barack play ‘the victim card’ – pretending that his decision to deceive the American People in almost ALL of his election promises, and in his personal life, were somehow the result of him hearing hate speech against homosexuals, in his formative years. Perhaps they will expect weak-minded Americans to buy this lie. But how will he explain the fact that he has become a classic textbook case of ‘a pathological liar’? Tell it to your therapist Barack, we’re not buying it! Enough lies!
2.) They can replace Obama, in order to appease the outcry against him. The problem with this option, is that the U.S. Government and Mainstream Media were fully complicit, in promoting ALL of Obama’s deceptions. And so to change the ‘front man puppet’, cannot rebuild trust by any means.
3.) They can try to discredit the source of the information. While this may distract the population at large, while exploiting their voyeuristic tendencies, it does not in any way mute or change the revelations of the U.S. Government persistently deceiving the people it was elected to represent. Remember the mountain of lies about what the NSA couldn’t do, before they got caught?
4.) They could have Antipope Francis blur the Bible teaching on homosexuality, by presenting a new false doctrine, on the Christian teaching regarding homosexuality. This move is currently underway; but the fact that this is now exposed in this untimely article, will make the press release very awkward, to say the least.
5.) All of the above
6.) Some of the above
7.) None of the above – the least likely option.
We will see how this turning point in American History plays out. But one thing is for certain, the United States of America, is now a Monarchy!