It's neither here nor there, apart from a bit of forum argy bargy
I've never seen a trans who could pass convincingly
and that includes Jenner, no matter how much surgery, make-up and soft focus photos
and even if some of them DID manage to pass occasionally
it wouldn't make a scrap of difference
People don't want to change gender, sex, whatever the latest squabble says
and they're not comfortable around trannies
I'm fairly open minded and have spent a bit of time around trannies. Normal people find themselves studying the tranz, despite their attempts not to
the hands the adam's apple the voice the attitude the walk etc
it doesn't work and no amount of training makes it work
unfortunately, they seem to have unlikeable personalities too
maybe one has to do with the other, who knows
So the rinos attempts to pervert the world is a fail
and jenner is stuck with it now along with all the kids who thought life would be better with or without a dik
It will go down in history as a passing peculiarity, nothing more. A storm in a teacup long forgotten
I don't know why Obama called her 'michael' twice during that presentation
maybe he was paid to do so, blackmailed into doing so, by his rino masters
but it changed nothing and succeeded only in making a brief stir online
now, obama and michael-michelle are past history
so who cares