Winston Smith wrote on Mar 13
th, 2014 at 4:05am:
I have a few unusual occurrences to report. This afternoon, a squadron of around 15 aircraft, flew over my house in a tight formation. Just now a helicopter travelling at seemingly very high speed, circled the sky right above my house about 6 times before flying away. I'd like to know the explaination for this phenomena.
I don't know why the squadron flew over but it wasn't necessarily related to the helicopter. The squadron was just on its way to somewhere.
I can remember years ago, one of the kids at the school I worked at had a dad who was in a special govt dept, forget the name of them, but they do stunt flying and displays.
Anyway, one day they arranged to detour from their route to fly over our school and do a special display. Everyone was out there on the oval, about 800 of us, all waving madly, while they looped and went back and forth for 15 minutes, before flying off.
Now, we are in an outer suburb some 35 km out of Melbourne. I bet a lot of people looked up in the sky that day and wondered what on earth?? Why are they doing that here? etc
Now as for your helicopter. Probably police chopper monitoring traffic. We get them over our way, sometimes back and forth for hours. If there is anyone on the run, the chopper will come in lower and shine the light in the yards and walkways etc. Have had that happen before too.
But 99% of the time it is traffic duty.