mantra wrote on Mar 15
th, 2014 at 10:03am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Mar 15
th, 2014 at 9:30am:
There is already marriage equality - those who are entitled to marry may do so - those who are not may not.
Pretty simple....
Now gimme some screeching of 'homophobe' etc. Any discussion of homosexuality etc is not worth the internet it's written on without some good old-fashioned slagging...
I haven't said whether gay marriage is right or wrong. Obviously a majority rule stops it happening in Australia. Gays, regardless of them being a minority are still part of our society though. They're not imposing their lifestyle on anyone. You have to wonder why people feel threatened by gay marriage, considering heterosexual marriage is generally a farce when you take into account the statistics of it being successful for the long term.
The success rate or otherwise of modern marriage - as dictated by politically correct movements over the past thirty years in concert with every other move to break down our society and create chaos and disorder in order to facilitate the takeover of Socio-fascist sentiments from both 'sides' - has nothing to do with it.
Propaganda aside - marriage is for the formation of the natural family - of man and woman - that is how it was designed and how it has been for countless years. All other arguments are irrelevant, and no modifying of the word 'family' through propaganda on television shows can alter that.
I'm sorry if that sounds 'conservative' or whatever to anyone - I am simply stating the facts.
Marriage is what it is - that is all there is to it - and any other group can seek to either alter it by popular consent or choose another way of uniting in a bond.
Even the simple fact that the term 'gay marriage' is uses separates it from Marriage... and frankly - I doubt anyone much really cares apart from those interested - most have enough to deal with in their own lives, and like feminism - it is long past time for these things to just STFU and leave the rest of us alone without dragging us all into some pointless argument over something in which we have no interest.
This art of generating 'issues' and shoving them at everyone else has got to stop - and maybe it stops with funding such nonsense in academic circles.