Quote:Ah, see: you think private wealth means efficiency!
Property rights are necessary for a functioning economy. This is demonstrated over and over again.
Quote:You are defining 'efficiency' as money going into private hands!!
It is not the definition, just the reflection of reality.
Quote:how does it follow that running it inefficiently leads to more votes and security of power?
That's what happens when the government runs a business. It becomes bloated and inefficient. We also see this demonstrated over and over again. Politicians concern themselves with the political consequences of firing people. Private companies concern themselves with the economic consequences. It is inevitable that people with different motives will act in different ways that reflect those motives. If a person is only influenced by the political but not economic consequences of a business's employment policy, they will only be motivated by the political consequences, and their actions will reflect political but not economic motives.
It "follows" because the politician will ensure that it does. Unless you are prepared to argue that the profitability and political popularity of employment policy (among other things) go hand in hand, then it is inevitable. If you do want to argue that, you have a mountain of reality to overcome.