Quote:Even in your twisted mind you would argue that the "islamic" way would be to spare the women and keep them as sex slaves.
Why is it twisted to assume that the example set and decreed by Muhammed is the Islamic way? Doesn't this make Islam itself twisted? Was Muhammed twisted?
Quote:Why can't such events as the capture of Jerusalem, where jews and christians who were persecuted by the Byzantines immediately had their worshipping and human rights restored - be counted as an "islamic example"?
Sure. Which hand Muhammed used to wipe his arse with is also an Islamic example. Islam may be nice to people who surrender unconditionally to it, but this is hardly a virtue. It is cold military strategy.
Quote:Minorities in great civilizations have suffered periodic persecutions since time immemorial. Islam is no exception.
Islam is an exception because people are deluded into thinking it is a virtuous religion rather than grubby politics from a violent era. Even by the standards of 7th century Arabia Muhammed set the bar pretty low.
Quote:The causes for this are easy to understand
Yes. Muhammed was a megalomaniac who excused anything in the pursuit of power and pussy.
Quote:and there is no need to dig up doctrinal justifications
Muslims feel the need to, and you are lying if you suggest the ease with which Islam justifies violence has no effect on modern Muslims.
Quote:I suppose one thing that makes the islamic empires stand out is that they broke the trend of simply wholesale annihilation of entire ethnic groups.
This is the opposite of reality. Muhammed's execution of 800 Jews in one day goes against the standard of the time. Muhammed wiping out pagan villages because they refused to accept his religion went against the standards typical of the time.