Quote:1. I don't even know if your claim that islam does well in prisons is even true. Abu certainly doesn't say that from the quotes you posted, and all Malik says is "Many people become Muslim in prison" - which is not saying what you are saying. So you could start by explaining where this claim actually comes from. Certainly not from the quotes you posted.
Some examples:
100% of Australians in jail on terrorism charges are Muslims.
30% of the Supermax division of Goulburn Gaol are Muslims. This may be doubling up on the terrorism bit.
According to Abu there are also plenty of Muslim rapists, due to judges discriminating against Muslims by giving them longer sentences.
According to the article posted by Wally, Islam is the fastest growing religion in US jails.
Quote:2. I'd be very surprised if rates of converts to islam was higher than rates of converts to christianity in western prisons. And if it wasn't, then that surely puts a pretty big dent in your little theory.
Not if you mean in an absolute sense. As per Karnal's point, you would expect the conversion rates to reflect the prevalence of the religion in society.
Quote:Is it more likely that inmates are drawn to islam because of Muhammad's "example" of violence and mayhem, or because they are overwhelmingly members of an underprivileged, lower socio-economic class, and are drawn to Muhammad's socialist message of standing up for the downtrodden and poor? Food for thought.
Muhammed was the one making people poor and treading all over them. He created a caste system with Muslims on top, Christians and Jews in the middle, and Pagans on the bottom (usually six feet under). What draws the inmates is not equality, but the idea of being on top, even if it is all in their head. Islam has nothing to do with equality. It is a cult of superiority, which worked fine when the Muslims were actually on top, but has been disastrous for them ever since (except of course when it comes to recruiting people in jail).