Quote:Not in detail, but the link I gave you describes it briefly. For the purposes of this discussion, I'm willing to accept the reference at face value.
Accept what reference? Did someone else tell you that it proves a direct causal link?
Quote:Yes I did, and referencing 3 people who were involved in the only case of islamically sanctioned underrage mariage that we know about does not provide this. Its a bit like saying 3 aborigines who were arrested for fraud is evidence that high aboriginal imprisonment rates are due to white colar crime - ie obviously nonsense.
If he were not Muslim, he would have been told very quickly that it is illegal. If he had persisted in trying to get someone to conduct a wedding ceremony, he would have been reported to authorities. The causative role of Islam is undeniable, and the crime itself is typical of Islam.
Quote:Not exactly, but the important point is that they are high wouldn't you say?
Sure, just like I agree with you that Muslims need to take responsibility for the child bride problem and tackle it head on. I don't want you and Karnal to spend the next 50 pages demanding that I prove it.
Quote:But you're a big boy FD, I'm sure if you cared that much (as opposed to just wanting to nitpick what I present to you), you could learn as much as I know about it
How much do you actually know?