Bobby. wrote on Mar 19
th, 2014 at 8:43am:
Thanks Herbert,
Rock & roll is not my favourite form of music but then again
I can enjoy so many different types from heavy metal
all the way to a top orchestra playing classical music.
Music is like art ~ all in the eye of the beholder.
I come from an era when a musical piece had to have a
Pop music had to be carefully crafted by really talented and exceptional people to have a ...
tune ... some kind of
melody that was clever and catchy and appealing.
But then along came the era of 'Jack-is-as-good-as-his-Master' ... ANYONE could now sing, paint, draw, write poetry, front a Rock Band and be told by Music and Art critics working for the Leftwing tabloids and magazines that they were 'fantastic', and talented, and of commercial standard.
Previously it was only your
mother who would praise you like this.
Jimmy Barnes. How he avoided being assassinated for shouting into a microphone for 30 years, I'll never understand.
I have a single-parent
mother renting a place across the road from me who is bringing up her two pre-teenage kids on
very loud Thump-Thump-Doof-Doof tuneless
noise from a couple of 100watt speakers.
This is quite clearly a case of child-abuse.