Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 19
th, 2014 at 3:51pm:
Shoot these sorts of dogs.
their owners are little better.
That is a totally ignorant and ill informed attitude there.
Whilst you're entitled to your opinion, absolutely I will point out to you a comparitive idea that will carry some weight with you.
Charge all Christians because of what a number of Priests, representing Christianity have done to children - their followers are not much better.....
To be clear, that is not actually my personal view-simply a comparison for you to consider...
Staffies, hell, even pit bulls (American Staffy I think is the new term for them...) can be trained up if the "human" takes absolute responsibility for their animals training/behaviour.
As is typical, in our ultra modern and switched one world - people want the cuddly, they want the image (tough, tats and muscle dog) but none too many take the responsibility or have any interest in the hard work.
I have three dogs, two of which have a fair bit of staffy in them. One is extremely sociable, we have raised her from puppy - she could kill "anything" she latched onto and yet, even under pressure (i.e. being attacked) has never latched on in any kind of aggressive or out of control way.
The boy dog was rescued from neglect and abuse, I suppose then it should (to any reasonable thinking person) be no surprise that he was (note the past tense) extremely aggressive when I got him.
Now, after a couple of years of hard and consistent work, he runs on the local dog beach with a myriad of other dogs daily. He still has "moments" however, he pays attention to me and I him, so that has meant the "moments" do not escalate. Further, he has learned to sniff and observe other dogs rather than just attack.
So, in short, your comment is astoundingly judgemental, ignorant and irresponsible.