Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 22
nd, 2014 at 5:22am:
Well the economy certainly runs better.
1979 - winter of discontent.
1989s - boom times as Britain lives under Thatcher
1990s - Labour return and failure
2014 - Conservatives and see below!!
2007 - A decade of economic prosperity, tax cuts, budget surpluses
2007-2013 - Six budgets, six deficits. Debt balloons by 310% under the ALP
Coincidence or do Conservatives just manage economies better?
It is a crap shoot, and Maggie did do some good, but she was totally despised in her day, I know, I lived there for the first two years of her PMship.
BTW, Maggie had Recession, Boom, Recession, under her leadership, so which was she responsible for??
Conservatives talk up Howard years as a success, what tripe, if we had had a Labor government in power during that massive boom, we would already have an NBN, bought and paid for, we would have far higher renewable in the power grid, as well as better schools and hospitals.
Howard gave welfare to rich people, and banned guns, 1 good, 1 bad, but economically, he was a dud, a bit like someone pissing away the family inheritance.