longweekend58 wrote on Mar 21
st, 2014 at 7:41am:
St George of the Garden wrote on Mar 20
th, 2014 at 9:08pm:
Love the rightarded outrage tho.
Govts don’t draw the seat boundaries, the AEC do, unlike in Joh’s day. Govt on 19% of the vote?
as a resident of SA do you find it comforting that the wishes of the majority can be so easily and so consistently ignored? I know you vote labor, but imagine if you will that the Libs manage to slip over the line and then institute an electoral 'reform' that requires labor to get 54% of the 2PP to form govt. Okay by you? Because this would ensure that no ALP govt will ever rule in SA again. After all, they've never reached that level previously!
So, you ignore the fact the govt doesn’t draw the boundaries. Typical of you.
Maybe the ALP is the better campaigner?
at 8% lower primary and 6% lower 2PP that is total bunkum that scarcely needs explanation
Single member electorates will from time to time throw up such results—if you really want reform you need to outline what reforms you would like to see—proportional voting, treating the state as one electorate will give results closer to the votes cast but leads, IMHO, to unstable govt by ramshackle coalitions and loses the representation that should not be lightly thrown out.
from time to time??? Labor has won the 2PP ONCE in 29 years yet been in govt 80& of the time. it happens ALL the time.
Or we can adopt the Tassie model, or parts of it, and have multimember electorates so some element of direct representation is preserved.
All I hear in this thread tho is Libs whining “we wuz robbed.” You pitiful babies! Some of my first political activities involved campaigning against the unrepresentative nature of the Legislative council in SA, where large parts of the electorate were disenfranchised! You want change then by crikey put up some positive proposals AND STOP WHINING!
perhaps what we want to do is hear the likes of YOU saying the Libs were robbed. No matter your biases and preferences, don't you feel there is something intrinsically wrong that a landslide vote FOR the Libs and AGAINST labor hasn't resulted in a liberal govt.
What is most important to you - having a labor govt or having democratic right to choose?