Setanta wrote on Mar 21
st, 2014 at 11:30am:
They became irrelevant and committed suicide when they sided with Howard over the GST. That was their undoing, not leaning left, but right.
You will find that it was individuals and not the party that sided with the GST, some voted for and some against.
Post GST you had Bartlet & Stott The Spoiler who were just as pinko as you.
They killed the Democrats off by their blatent lefty leanings.
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 21
st, 2014 at 10:55am:
If it were neutral there would be options for declaring whichever and not declaring whichever since independants change their minds a lot and dont back same parties all the time
That's covered by the final question IMO SOB.
Bam wrote on Mar 21
st, 2014 at 10:45am:
Historically, Independents are more likely to give their support to the party or coalition that already has the greater numbers because this makes for a more stable government
Fine, then they just have to be up front and say exactly that before the election.
Don't you think that is an important issue for a potential voter? Sometimes it's pretty obvious who they would support just by their rhetoric and history.
Wilkie for example is a raving Lefty. An ex-Green candidate.
Katter is more from the Right. An ex-coalition MP.
I know it cuts both ways.