Bill Shorten recently
called for new policy ideas for the Labor Party. Well here’s one.
Let’s have a new policy on asylum seekers.
The labor government when they were in power was trying to get a regional process centre up and running and no country in the region wanted to take it on board.
So why doesn’t the labor party bite the bullet and set the regional process centre on Australia soil and hand it over to the UNHCR to run? Australia could set some rules for it and throw some money in to run it.
We already have a detention centre on Christmas Island that could be used. We could fly asylum seekers in from Indonesia or Malaysia and process them on Christmas Island to see if they are fair dinkum refugees and if they are resettled them in any country the UNHCR says that is safe for them. If they are not found to be refugees fly them back to their original country. Anyone arrived by boat get flown to Manus Island, Nauru or Cambodia to get process and resettled in one of those countries. The only guaranteed that people arriving by boat is that they won’t be resettle in Australia if they are found to be refugees.
We should also have a time limit on how long asylum seekers can be keep in detention for health and security checks, they could be released into the community on Christmas Island once their Health and security checks are done and they are waiting for their refugee process is competed.
That is my take on process asylum seekers, if you got a better idea lets hear it.
Don’t worry all you rednecks racist people on here, don’t comment on this article because none of you have got a solution to the asylum seeker problem, you are all the bloody f$#^ing problem.