Quote:The claim "Arab society at Muhammed's time was based on genuine equality" is not basic stuff. It is an unsubstantiated claim that has been directly refuted by the sources I quoted.
I must have missed the bit where he directly refuted it. You refuted it, then spent a few pages pretending that this guy agrees with you. You also remain oblivious to my repeated attempts to explain the evidence to you. Could you at least quote it and explain why you reject it, rather than pretending you have turned blind?
Quote:Appeals to authority in this case matter. Believe it or not, thats the only way lay-gentlemen like you and me can learn about history.
Quote:Right - we wouldn't want to compare the opinions of Montgommery Watt - world renound scholar of islam with Freediver - internet hack on ozpolitic would we?
Are you admitting now that you have abandoned your facade of demanding evidence?
Quote:Blaming Muslims is as ignorant as blaming Jews.
I don't see anyone here blaming Muslims for anything. Islam however, just like any other ideology, should be attributed responsibility for it's influence on the world, lest history be reduced to a list of billions of unrelated incidents.
Quote:Unlike the cultural/racial status of Jews, however, Islam is a disunited collection of nations, races and groups.
Islam is a religion and a political ideology.
Quote:Nor is Islam a political ideology - there are vast differences in social and political thought between Muslims.
There are vast differences in ideology between capitalists, libertarians, Greens etc. Does that mean they are not political ideologies? And none of them have a book to tell them what to think. You are plumbing the depths of stupidity here, essentially arguing that Islam does not exist.
Quote:Suggesting Islam is akin to Nazism is so far from reality as to be completely dissasociated from it.
I did not actually suggest that. What I suggested is that Clyne's argument is stupid. Nazism is convenient for two reasons. One, it is similar to Islam (see, that is what it looks like when I actually say something). Two, it is so familiar to a western audience that I do not need to justify my right to criticise it, hopefully making the idiocy of Clyne's argument immediately apparent. Obviously it didn't work. Clyne's argument would be equally stupid, regardless of whether it is applied to Muslims, Nazis, Fascists, Capitalists, Libertarians, Greens, Dogs or Tractors.
Quote:There are definitely nationalist movements within Islam that have fascist tendencies
How dare you criticise fascists. Fascists eat corn flakes for breakfast just like everyone else. Not all fascists of course, as there are immense differences. Some for example eat weetbix. Therefor you cannot criticise them for being fascist. They are not a monolithic entity. Fascism is not even a political ideology. It's a social club. Some even share many of their views with Muslims.