Grendel wrote on Mar 27
th, 2014 at 9:49pm:
Bam wrote on Mar 27
th, 2014 at 6:07pm:
Grendel wrote on Mar 27
th, 2014 at 5:00pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Mar 27
th, 2014 at 4:10pm:
Grendel wrote on Mar 27
th, 2014 at 3:20pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Mar 27
th, 2014 at 2:43pm:
Normally the speaker is biased, we know this. But for one side to actually come out and say they are the MOST biased? hmmm, tells me that she must be pretty biased. Duchess Bishop must quit.
No it tells you how biased and childish this bunch of ALP members are.
Dreyfus has deserved the boot many times and not got it under a Labor speakership.
Anna Burke was very biased and allowed the ALP to do whatever they pleased and continually fail to answer questions.
She has no credibility or right to criticise anyone.
Care to show us examples, oh dear conservative leftie?
Or are you doing your usual finger at lips and shake routine?
Perhaps you missed parliament on tv under Burke.
So why are you here debating stuff you are ignorant of.
I saw it I know how biased she was even Jenkins was biased but you didn't see the Coalition arc up the way these prats do.
That's not true.
yes it is...
Considering that your credibility has already been shot to pieces with quite ridiculous pronouncements on this issue, I am disinclined to accept this without reliable proof from third-party sources.
Quote: Quote:In the last parliament, the Coalition moved to suspend standing orders in almost every sitting week of the last parliament, far more than is usual. You tell me that every occasion was justified.
I already made my point you seem to be avoiding the main one on purpose.
Says the poster who introduced irrelevancies in an obvious attempt to deflect the topic. It is you that is avoiding points, introduced irrelevancies regarding former Speaker Burke to derail the topic.
You have also refused to provide any evidence when asked.
I have addressed it in other places or others have already discussed it making it unnecessary for me to do so. Why repeat what others have said?
And despite your occasional claims to the contrary, you take the Coalition's line on almost every topic. Your adherence to the Coalition's narrow perspective is closer than many other right-leaning posters.
Quote: Quote:In the last Parliament, The Coalition denied pairs for stupid reasons - the first time any Federal Opposition did that since before the last time that the United Australia Party was in office. You tell me that every denial of a pair was justified.
During this parliament, this crap Speaker has denied points of order before they have even been made and indulged in numerous other examples of bias. Calling "Madam Speaker" is grounds for ejection! Really! You tell me that every ejection from Parliament was justified and every denial of points of order was justified.
Did I say she was a great Speaker? No... Did I say she was a good speaker? No. your point would be then????? So far, Anna Burke was the most blatantly biased Speaker I've ever seen... Bishop has a way to go to match her yet.
Let me spell it out for you very simply.
Bishop "named" an ALP member - a serious sanction that suspends him for 24 hours - for calling out "Madam Speaker". He used the proper form of address, yet was thrown out for it! That is quite a blatant display of bias.
You show me one example - just one will do - where Speaker Burke named a member for addressing her as "Madam Speaker". Or even one example where Speaker Burke asked someone to leave the chamber for addressing her as "Madam Speaker". Then your view that Burke was at least as biased as Bishop would have some weight.
To help you, here is the link to the
House Hansard. Go for it.